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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “sprostitev v naravi”

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Number of downloads
#F013891 Number of downloads: 75

Šmartinsko lake

#F013902 Number of downloads: 10

Miklavž on Gorjanci

#F013892 Number of downloads: 47

Šmartinsko lake

#F013908 Number of downloads: 40

View from Nebesa on Dolenjska region

#F014217 Number of downloads: 16

The Trail of the Senses

Šmartinsko lake

Šmartinsko lake

Number of downloads: 75
Miklavž on Gorjanci

Miklavž on Gorjanci

Number of downloads: 10
Šmartinsko lake

Šmartinsko lake

Number of downloads: 47
View from Nebesa on Dolenjska region

View from Nebesa on Dolenjska region

Number of downloads: 40
The Trail of the Senses

The Trail of the Senses

Number of downloads: 16