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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “romantika”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F008930 Number of downloads: 71

Couple on the street in Koper

#F009074 Number of downloads: 49

Hikers at Bukivniško lake

#F013118 Number of downloads: 41

Summer sunset with view on Ljubljana

#F008929 Number of downloads: 57

Couple in cafe on Čevljarska street, Koper

#F015601 Number of downloads: 1

Roman feast in Ptuj

#F007820 Number of downloads: 25

Autumn in eastern Slovenia

#F008145 Number of downloads: 16

Picnic by Velenje lake

#F007819 Number of downloads: 15

Autumn in eastern Slovenia

#F008380 Number of downloads: 24

Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

#F008983 Number of downloads: 22

Nova Gorica

#F004824 Number of downloads: 10

Church Sv. Kriz, Goriska Brda

#F008861 Number of downloads: 80

Couple on the event Odprta kuhna (Open kitchen), Ljubljana

#F009049 Number of downloads: 16

Evening romance by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F008871 Number of downloads: 39

Sunset at Sveta Ana, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

#F009047 Number of downloads: 46

Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F009090 Number of downloads: 10

Hikers at Bukivniško lake

#F008320 Number of downloads: 61

Picnic in nature

#F008378 Number of downloads: 16

Tasting young grapes, Čotar Wines

#F004827 Number of downloads: 85

Enjoying wine, Goriska Brda

#F000045 Number of downloads: 14

Biological pool - Radlje ob Dravi

Couple on the street in Koper

Couple on the street in Koper

Number of downloads: 71
Hikers at Bukivniško lake

Hikers at Bukivniško lake

Number of downloads: 49
Summer sunset with view on Ljubljana

Summer sunset with view on Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 41
Couple in cafe on Čevljarska street, Koper

Couple in cafe on Čevljarska street, Koper

Number of downloads: 57
Roman feast in Ptuj

Roman feast in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 1
Autumn in eastern Slovenia

Autumn in eastern Slovenia

Number of downloads: 25
Picnic by Velenje lake

Picnic by Velenje lake

Number of downloads: 16
Autumn in eastern Slovenia

Autumn in eastern Slovenia

Number of downloads: 15
Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 24
Nova Gorica

Nova Gorica

Number of downloads: 22
Church Sv. Kriz, Goriska Brda

Church Sv. Kriz, Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 10
Couple on the event Odprta kuhna (Open kitchen), Ljubljana

Couple on the event Odprta kuhna (Open kitchen), Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 80
Evening romance by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Evening romance by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 16
Sunset at Sveta Ana, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Sunset at Sveta Ana, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Number of downloads: 39
Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 46
Hikers at Bukivniško lake

Hikers at Bukivniško lake

Number of downloads: 10
Picnic in nature

Picnic in nature

Number of downloads: 61
Tasting young grapes, Čotar Wines

Tasting young grapes, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 16
Enjoying wine, Goriska Brda

Enjoying wine, Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 85
Biological pool - Radlje ob Dravi

Biological pool - Radlje ob Dravi

Number of downloads: 14