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Photo search results for the search string “reflection in the lake”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F002539 Number of downloads: 333

Seven Triglav lakes - Double lake

#F014233 Number of downloads: 52

Game of reflections in Ptuj

#F014232 Number of downloads: 62

Thousand reflections of sky in Ptuj

#F000431 Number of downloads: 73

Piran, reflections in the sea

#F013173 Number of downloads: 61

Heart shaped lake at the Lovrenška lakes, Rogla

#F013685 Number of downloads: 24

Rower in a boat at Lake Bled with Lake Castle In Background

#F004354 Number of downloads: 473

Veliko jezero - Lake in the valley of the Triglav lakes

#F014486 Number of downloads: 28

Lake Pernica

#F014490 Number of downloads: 30

Lovrenška lakes

#F014491 Number of downloads: 11

Lovrenška lakes

#F014492 Number of downloads: 37

Lovrenška lakes

#F014503 Number of downloads: 23

Zreče, lake

#F013891 Number of downloads: 75

Šmartinsko lake

#F013892 Number of downloads: 48

Šmartinsko lake

#F013511 Number of downloads: 77

Cerknica Lake

#F013288 Number of downloads: 14

Ledavsko lake

#F012695 Number of downloads: 11

Palško lake

#F012696 Number of downloads: 10

Palško lake

#F012697 Number of downloads: 4

Palško lake

#F012698 Number of downloads: 5

Palško lake

Seven Triglav lakes - Double lake

Seven Triglav lakes - Double lake

Number of downloads: 333
Game of reflections in Ptuj

Game of reflections in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 52
Thousand reflections of sky in Ptuj

Thousand reflections of sky in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 62
Piran, reflections in the sea

Piran, reflections in the sea

Number of downloads: 73
Heart shaped lake at the Lovrenška lakes, Rogla

Heart shaped lake at the Lovrenška lakes, Rogla

Number of downloads: 61
Rower in a boat at Lake Bled with Lake Castle In Background

Rower in a boat at Lake Bled with Lake Castle In Background

Number of downloads: 24
Veliko jezero - Lake in the valley of the Triglav lakes

Veliko jezero - Lake in the valley of the Triglav lakes

Number of downloads: 473
Lake Pernica

Lake Pernica

Number of downloads: 28
Lovrenška lakes

Lovrenška lakes

Number of downloads: 30
Lovrenška lakes

Lovrenška lakes

Number of downloads: 11
Lovrenška lakes

Lovrenška lakes

Number of downloads: 37
Zreče, lake

Zreče, lake

Number of downloads: 23
Šmartinsko lake

Šmartinsko lake

Number of downloads: 75
Šmartinsko lake

Šmartinsko lake

Number of downloads: 48
Cerknica Lake

Cerknica Lake

Number of downloads: 77
Ledavsko lake

Ledavsko lake

Number of downloads: 14
Palško lake

Palško lake

Number of downloads: 11
Palško lake

Palško lake

Number of downloads: 10
Palško lake

Palško lake

Number of downloads: 4
Palško lake

Palško lake

Number of downloads: 5