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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “prazniki”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F014203 Number of downloads: 62

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F014204 Number of downloads: 87

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F015655 Number of downloads: 6

Festive time in Maribor

#F010629 Number of downloads: 91

Koper old town with the bell tower and richly decorated Christmas tree in festive december

#F009209 Number of downloads: 149

Ljubljana in festive December

#F009208 Number of downloads: 96

Ljubljana in festive December

#F009210 Number of downloads: 123

Ljubljana in festive December

#F009204 Number of downloads: 157

Ljubljana in festive December

Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 62
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 87
Festive time in Maribor

Festive time in Maribor

Number of downloads: 6
Koper old town with the bell tower and richly decorated Christmas tree in festive december

Koper old town with the bell tower and richly decorated Christmas tree in festive december

Number of downloads: 91
Ljubljana in festive December

Ljubljana in festive December

Number of downloads: 149
Ljubljana in festive December

Ljubljana in festive December

Number of downloads: 96
Ljubljana in festive December

Ljubljana in festive December

Number of downloads: 123
Ljubljana in festive December

Ljubljana in festive December

Number of downloads: 157