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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “pohodnika”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F008973 Number of downloads: 11

Hikers on the way to the Kokoš

#F009031 Number of downloads: 11

Walker at Rotunda in Goričko

#F008237 Number of downloads: 14

Hikers orienting, Matkov kot

#F000199 Number of downloads: 22

Hiking through fields

#F008976 Number of downloads: 28

Hikers observe the sea from the slopes of the Kokoš

#F000231 Number of downloads: 25

Hikers with Alps in the background

#F008828 Number of downloads: 33

Hiking at Sveta Ana, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

#F008835 Number of downloads: 13

Hikers on Lisca

#F014931 Number of downloads: 50

Hikers walking the Alpe Adria trail, Gorizia hills

#F014934 Number of downloads: 101

Gonjače viewing tower, Gorizia hills

#F010473 Number of downloads: 198

Lovrenška lakes

#F010491 Number of downloads: 77

Kozjak waterfall

#F008977 Number of downloads: 36

Hikers and vineyards, rear Komen

#F000548 Number of downloads: 29

Talaso Strunjan, Spas and Health Resorts

#F000586 Number of downloads: 12

Šmarješke Toplice Thermal Spa, Spas and Health Resorts

#F010448 Number of downloads: 13

Couple and hike between hop

#F008623 Number of downloads: 37

Hikers over Bohinj

#F008826 Number of downloads: 37

Hikers in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

#F014925 Number of downloads: 55

Bes chappel above Soča valley and hikers

#F014932 Number of downloads: 24

Alpe Adria trail, Gorizia hills

Hikers on the way to the Kokoš

Hikers on the way to the Kokoš

Number of downloads: 11
Walker at Rotunda in Goričko

Walker at Rotunda in Goričko

Number of downloads: 11
Hikers orienting, Matkov kot

Hikers orienting, Matkov kot

Number of downloads: 14
Hiking through fields

Hiking through fields

Number of downloads: 22
Hikers observe the sea from the slopes of the Kokoš

Hikers observe the sea from the slopes of the Kokoš

Number of downloads: 28
Hikers with Alps in the background

Hikers with Alps in the background

Number of downloads: 25
Hiking at Sveta Ana, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Hiking at Sveta Ana, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Number of downloads: 33
Hikers on Lisca

Hikers on Lisca

Number of downloads: 13
Hikers walking the Alpe Adria trail, Gorizia hills

Hikers walking the Alpe Adria trail, Gorizia hills

Number of downloads: 50
Gonjače viewing tower, Gorizia hills

Gonjače viewing tower, Gorizia hills

Number of downloads: 101
Recommended Lovrenška lakes

Lovrenška lakes

Number of downloads: 198
Recommended Kozjak waterfall

Kozjak waterfall

Number of downloads: 77
Hikers and vineyards, rear Komen

Hikers and vineyards, rear Komen

Number of downloads: 36
Talaso Strunjan, Spas and Health Resorts

Talaso Strunjan, Spas and Health Resorts

Number of downloads: 29
Šmarješke Toplice Thermal Spa, Spas and Health Resorts

Šmarješke Toplice Thermal Spa, Spas and Health Resorts

Number of downloads: 12
Couple and hike between hop

Couple and hike between hop

Number of downloads: 13
Hikers over Bohinj

Hikers over Bohinj

Number of downloads: 37
Hikers in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Hikers in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Number of downloads: 37
Bes chappel above Soča valley and hikers

Bes chappel above Soča valley and hikers

Number of downloads: 55
Alpe Adria trail, Gorizia hills

Alpe Adria trail, Gorizia hills

Number of downloads: 24