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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “picnic”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F010170 Number of downloads: 113

Bee picnic

#F010289 Number of downloads: 82

Beekeepers picnic

#F008320 Number of downloads: 61

Picnic in nature

#F008364 Number of downloads: 17

Picnic in nature

#F008441 Number of downloads: 52

Picnic in nature

#F008145 Number of downloads: 16

Picnic by Velenje lake

#F001817 Number of downloads: 35

Picnic at Koseški bajer

#F010169 Number of downloads: 51

Picnic infornt of the beehive

#F002046 Number of downloads: 37

Picnic in front of Zemono manor

#F012863 Number of downloads: 79

Wine and cuisine

#F008997 Number of downloads: 10

Content guests at Podzemelj Camp

#F008993 Number of downloads: 17

Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F003861 Number of downloads: 20

Trip into the nature

#F000113 Number of downloads: 13

Hikers in the hinterland

#F008306 Number of downloads: 38

Evening romance in the vineyard

#F009062 Number of downloads: 16

Games at river Kolpa

#F013226 Number of downloads: 33

Culinary experience in Istria

#F013227 Number of downloads: 37

Culinary experience in Istria

#F013222 Number of downloads: 71

Culinary experience in Istria

#F013932 Number of downloads: 45


Bee picnic

Bee picnic

Number of downloads: 113
Beekeepers picnic

Beekeepers picnic

Number of downloads: 82
Picnic in nature

Picnic in nature

Number of downloads: 61
Picnic in nature

Picnic in nature

Number of downloads: 17
Picnic in nature

Picnic in nature

Number of downloads: 52
Picnic by Velenje lake

Picnic by Velenje lake

Number of downloads: 16
Picnic at Koseški bajer

Picnic at Koseški bajer

Number of downloads: 35
Picnic infornt of the beehive

Picnic infornt of the beehive

Number of downloads: 51
Picnic in front of Zemono manor

Picnic in front of Zemono manor

Number of downloads: 37
Wine and cuisine

Wine and cuisine

Number of downloads: 79
Content guests at Podzemelj Camp

Content guests at Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 10
Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 17
Trip into the nature

Trip into the nature

Number of downloads: 20
Hikers in  the hinterland

Hikers in the hinterland

Number of downloads: 13
Evening romance in the vineyard

Evening romance in the vineyard

Number of downloads: 38
Games at river Kolpa

Games at river Kolpa

Number of downloads: 16
Culinary experience in Istria

Culinary experience in Istria

Number of downloads: 33
Culinary experience in Istria

Culinary experience in Istria

Number of downloads: 37
Culinary experience in Istria

Culinary experience in Istria

Number of downloads: 71


Number of downloads: 45