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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “old vine”

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Number of downloads
#F011596 Number of downloads: 282

Couple in Vina Koper wine celler vineyards

#F010715 Number of downloads: 61

Spring vineyards in Vidošiči, Bela krajina region

#F008112 Number of downloads: 89

Vineyard mansion Zlati grič, Slovenjske Konjice

#F013268 Number of downloads: 52

View from old bridge in Maribor on Lent

#F011653 Number of downloads: 41

Roman Soldiers ready for Roman Games

#F010632 Number of downloads: 329

Koper old town from the air

#F010082 Number of downloads: 61

Greeting from Beer Fountain of Green Gold

#F008496 Number of downloads: 15

Hiker at the Old Church of Sv. Ozbolt in Jezersko

#F001260 Number of downloads: 75

E23-Goldhorn statue on the bank of Jasna lake

#F010335 Number of downloads: 86

Vinarium Lendava

#F001364 Number of downloads: 12

E31-Wine cellar Goriska Brda

#F008159 Number of downloads: 49

The landscape of vineyards in the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice

#F013298 Number of downloads: 34

View from old castle on evening summer Celje

#F013205 Number of downloads: 20

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

#F011946 Number of downloads: 33

Cold cuts of meat from the lard barre

#F011947 Number of downloads: 21

Cold cuts of meat from the lard barre

#F009075 Number of downloads: 8

Old house in Veliki Nerajec, Lahinja Regional Park

#F008361 Number of downloads: 45

View of the old wine cellar, Čotar Wines

#F001358 Number of downloads: 62

E31-Grapes and sun

#F015136 Number of downloads: 170

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Tasting in the vineyard

Couple in Vina Koper wine celler vineyards

Couple in Vina Koper wine celler vineyards

Number of downloads: 282
Spring vineyards in Vidošiči, Bela krajina region

Spring vineyards in Vidošiči, Bela krajina region

Number of downloads: 61
Vineyard mansion Zlati grič, Slovenjske Konjice

Vineyard mansion Zlati grič, Slovenjske Konjice

Number of downloads: 89
View from old bridge in Maribor on Lent

View from old bridge in Maribor on Lent

Number of downloads: 52
Roman Soldiers ready for Roman Games

Roman Soldiers ready for Roman Games

Number of downloads: 41
Koper old town from the air

Koper old town from the air

Number of downloads: 329
Greeting from Beer Fountain of Green Gold

Greeting from Beer Fountain of Green Gold

Number of downloads: 61
Hiker at the Old Church of Sv. Ozbolt in Jezersko

Hiker at the Old Church of Sv. Ozbolt in Jezersko

Number of downloads: 15
E23-Goldhorn statue on the bank of Jasna lake

E23-Goldhorn statue on the bank of Jasna lake

Number of downloads: 75
Vinarium Lendava

Vinarium Lendava

Number of downloads: 86
E31-Wine cellar Goriska Brda

E31-Wine cellar Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 12
The landscape of vineyards in the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice

The landscape of vineyards in the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice

Number of downloads: 49
View from old castle on evening summer Celje

View from old castle on evening summer Celje

Number of downloads: 34
Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Number of downloads: 20
Cold cuts of meat from the lard barre

Cold cuts of meat from the lard barre

Number of downloads: 33
Cold cuts of meat from the lard barre

Cold cuts of meat from the lard barre

Number of downloads: 21
Old house in Veliki Nerajec, Lahinja Regional Park

Old house in Veliki Nerajec, Lahinja Regional Park

Number of downloads: 8
View of the old wine cellar, Čotar Wines

View of the old wine cellar, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 45
E31-Grapes and sun

E31-Grapes and sun

Number of downloads: 62
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Tasting in the vineyard

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Tasting in the vineyard

Number of downloads: 170