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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “old vine”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F008739 Number of downloads: 47

Old church of Sveti Ožbolt

#F001665 Number of downloads: 6

Ocean the Old Locomotive

#F000153 Number of downloads: 121

Delicacies of Green Gold - Žalec

#F000198 Number of downloads: 54

The Old Castle Celje

#F013936 Number of downloads: 164


#F012447 Number of downloads: 89

House in the middle wine vines

#F007781 Number of downloads: 94

Autumn in Slovenia - morning in the vineyard

#F008349 Number of downloads: 163

Wine tasting in vineyard, Cotar Wines

#F008372 Number of downloads: 40

Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

#F008379 Number of downloads: 45

Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

#F008380 Number of downloads: 24

Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

#F008381 Number of downloads: 60

Taking a walk in vineyard, Čotar Wines

#F014212 Number of downloads: 97

Walking through old City Centre

#F014048 Number of downloads: 34

Holder of Slovenia green accommodation label

#F014049 Number of downloads: 31

Holder of Slovenia green accommodation label

#F013700 Number of downloads: 38

Aerial View On Old Town of Kamnik

#F013297 Number of downloads: 112

Evening summer Old castle Celje

#F010321 Number of downloads: 15

Parish house in Radovljica old town

#F001707 Number of downloads: 24

Maribor with the old Bridge

#F013063 Number of downloads: 64

Castle Gredič and Goriška Brda vineyards

Old church of Sveti Ožbolt

Old church of Sveti Ožbolt

Number of downloads: 47
Ocean the Old Locomotive

Ocean the Old Locomotive

Number of downloads: 6
Delicacies of Green Gold - Žalec

Delicacies of Green Gold - Žalec

Number of downloads: 121
The Old Castle Celje

The Old Castle Celje

Number of downloads: 54


Number of downloads: 164
House in the middle wine vines

House in the middle wine vines

Number of downloads: 89
Autumn in Slovenia - morning in the vineyard

Autumn in Slovenia - morning in the vineyard

Number of downloads: 94
Wine tasting in vineyard, Cotar Wines

Wine tasting in vineyard, Cotar Wines

Number of downloads: 163
Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 40
Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 45
Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Wine tasting in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 24
Taking a walk in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Taking a walk in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 60
Walking through old City Centre

Walking through old City Centre

Number of downloads: 97
Holder of Slovenia green accommodation label

Holder of Slovenia green accommodation label

Number of downloads: 34
Holder of Slovenia green accommodation label

Holder of Slovenia green accommodation label

Number of downloads: 31
Aerial View On Old Town of Kamnik

Aerial View On Old Town of Kamnik

Number of downloads: 38
Evening summer Old castle Celje

Evening summer Old castle Celje

Number of downloads: 112
Parish house in Radovljica old town

Parish house in Radovljica old town

Number of downloads: 15
Maribor with the old Bridge

Maribor with the old Bridge

Number of downloads: 24
Castle Gredič and Goriška Brda vineyards

Castle Gredič and Goriška Brda vineyards

Number of downloads: 64