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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “mountain flower”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F002623 Number of downloads: 65

Hiking festival in bohinj - Southern Bohinj mountains

#F010166 Number of downloads: 170

Bee on the flower

#F002123 Number of downloads: 68

Bohinj flowers on bread

#F008280 Number of downloads: 37

Picking flowers, Matko kot

#F004400 Number of downloads: 46

Mt Rdeči rob with flowers

#F013329 Number of downloads: 37

Biking among the flowers at Krvavec

#F002126 Number of downloads: 48

Bohinj gastronomy Wild flower Festival

#F008682 Number of downloads: 55

Hiker and flowers, Triglav National Park

#F002714 Number of downloads: 42

International Wild Flower Festival - Photo workshop

#F004299 Number of downloads: 73

Jesenice, the town of steel and flowers

#F002627 Number of downloads: 67

International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj, Ornithological tour.

#F002719 Number of downloads: 160

International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj - blooming meadows

#F008680 Number of downloads: 94

Flowers on Veliko polje, Mišelj vrh in background, Triglav National Park

#F002706 Number of downloads: 15

Hiking and resting at Bohinj alpine pasture

#F013082 Number of downloads: 53

Mountaineer at the top of the mountain in winter

#F004360 Number of downloads: 31

Mountain hut Erjavec with Martuljek mountain group

#F013308 Number of downloads: 25

Mountainbiking at Krvavec

#F012558 Number of downloads: 52

Mountainbiking Koroška

#F001220 Number of downloads: 18

E26-Kuhinja mountain

#F001222 Number of downloads: 27

E26-Mountain Zaslap

Hiking festival in bohinj - Southern Bohinj mountains

Hiking festival in bohinj - Southern Bohinj mountains

Number of downloads: 65
Bee on the flower

Bee on the flower

Number of downloads: 170
Bohinj flowers on bread

Bohinj flowers on bread

Number of downloads: 68
Picking flowers, Matko kot

Picking flowers, Matko kot

Number of downloads: 37
Mt Rdeči rob with flowers

Mt Rdeči rob with flowers

Number of downloads: 46
Biking among the flowers at Krvavec

Biking among the flowers at Krvavec

Number of downloads: 37
Bohinj gastronomy Wild flower Festival

Bohinj gastronomy Wild flower Festival

Number of downloads: 48
Hiker and flowers, Triglav National Park

Hiker and flowers, Triglav National Park

Number of downloads: 55
International Wild Flower Festival - Photo workshop

International Wild Flower Festival - Photo workshop

Number of downloads: 42
Jesenice, the town of steel and flowers

Jesenice, the town of steel and flowers

Number of downloads: 73
International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj, Ornithological tour.

International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj, Ornithological tour.

Number of downloads: 67
International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj - blooming meadows

International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj - blooming meadows

Number of downloads: 160
Flowers on Veliko polje, Mišelj vrh in background, Triglav National Park

Flowers on Veliko polje, Mišelj vrh in background, Triglav National Park

Number of downloads: 94
Hiking  and resting at Bohinj alpine pasture

Hiking and resting at Bohinj alpine pasture

Number of downloads: 15
Mountaineer at the top of the mountain in winter

Mountaineer at the top of the mountain in winter

Number of downloads: 53
Mountain hut Erjavec with Martuljek mountain group

Mountain hut Erjavec with Martuljek mountain group

Number of downloads: 31
Mountainbiking at Krvavec

Mountainbiking at Krvavec

Number of downloads: 25
Mountainbiking Koroška

Mountainbiking Koroška

Number of downloads: 52
E26-Kuhinja mountain

E26-Kuhinja mountain

Number of downloads: 18
E26-Mountain Zaslap

E26-Mountain Zaslap

Number of downloads: 27