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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “michelinguide”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F015158 Number of downloads: 21

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Fly fishing on the Soča River

#F014835 Number of downloads: 14

Michelin Guide 2020

#F015151 Number of downloads: 94

Photos for the product of gastronomy / A mushroom picker in the woods

#F015119 Number of downloads: 37

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Arrival of guests at the Hiša Denk restaurant

#F015154 Number of downloads: 74

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Sorting mushrooms

#F015171 Number of downloads: 32

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Interior of the Hiša Franko restaurant

#F015080 Number of downloads: 171

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Fly fisherman in the Soča river

#F015082 Number of downloads: 42

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Mrkotova trdinka -red corn - in a basket

#F015101 Number of downloads: 89

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Preparation of pumpkin seeds

#F015150 Number of downloads: 48

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Cheesemakers during cheese making

#F015157 Number of downloads: 63

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Fly fisherman in the Soča river

#F015166 Number of downloads: 94

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

#F015173 Number of downloads: 31

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Valter Kramar, Hiša Franko, cheese

#F015165 Number of downloads: 114

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

#F015102 Number of downloads: 122

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Gathering pumpkin seeds

#F015172 Number of downloads: 25

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Valter Kramar cuts cheese at the Hiša Franko restaurant

#F015103 Number of downloads: 60

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Detail of the plate, chef Gregor Vračko

#F015088 Number of downloads: 133

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Plate detail - chef Uroš Štefelin

#F015122 Number of downloads: 65

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Guest at the Hiša Denk restaurant

#F015128 Number of downloads: 142

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Tomaž Kavčič with guests

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Fly fishing on the Soča River

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Fly fishing on the Soča River

Number of downloads: 21
Michelin Guide 2020

Michelin Guide 2020

Number of downloads: 14
Photos for the product of gastronomy / A mushroom picker in the woods

Photos for the product of gastronomy / A mushroom picker in the woods

Number of downloads: 94
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Arrival of guests at the Hiša Denk restaurant

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Arrival of guests at the Hiša Denk restaurant

Number of downloads: 37
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Sorting mushrooms

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Sorting mushrooms

Number of downloads: 74
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Interior of the Hiša Franko restaurant

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Interior of the Hiša Franko restaurant

Number of downloads: 32
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Fly fisherman in the Soča river

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Fly fisherman in the Soča river

Number of downloads: 171
Photos for the product of gastronomy /Mrkotova trdinka -red corn - in a basket

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Mrkotova trdinka -red corn - in a basket

Number of downloads: 42
Photos for the product of gastronomy /  Preparation of pumpkin seeds

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Preparation of pumpkin seeds

Number of downloads: 89
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Cheesemakers during cheese making

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Cheesemakers during cheese making

Number of downloads: 48
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Fly fisherman in the Soča river

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Fly fisherman in the Soča river

Number of downloads: 63
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

Number of downloads: 94
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Valter Kramar, Hiša Franko, cheese

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Valter Kramar, Hiša Franko, cheese

Number of downloads: 31
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

Number of downloads: 114
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Gathering pumpkin seeds

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Gathering pumpkin seeds

Number of downloads: 122
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Valter Kramar cuts cheese at the Hiša Franko restaurant

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Valter Kramar cuts cheese at the Hiša Franko restaurant

Number of downloads: 25
Photos for the product of gastronomy /  Detail of the plate, chef Gregor Vračko

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Detail of the plate, chef Gregor Vračko

Number of downloads: 60
Photos for the product of gastronomy /  Plate detail - chef Uroš Štefelin

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Plate detail - chef Uroš Štefelin

Number of downloads: 133
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Guest at the Hiša Denk restaurant

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Guest at the Hiša Denk restaurant

Number of downloads: 65
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Tomaž Kavčič with guests

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Tomaž Kavčič with guests

Number of downloads: 142