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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “iz zraka”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F013207 Number of downloads: 111

Shepherd's settlement on the mount of Velika Planina

#F013205 Number of downloads: 20

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

#F013206 Number of downloads: 93

Shepherd's settlement and cows grazing on the mount Velika Planina

#F015212 Number of downloads: 40

Healthy Water Resorts top drone photo Thermana Laško

#F015213 Number of downloads: 35

Healthy Water Resorts top drone photo Thermana Laško

#F013208 Number of downloads: 55

Chapel of Marija Snežna on Velika Planina

#F015789 Number of downloads: 30

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

#F015790 Number of downloads: 24

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

#F015791 Number of downloads: 17

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

#F015792 Number of downloads: 20

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

#F015793 Number of downloads: 16

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

#F015748 Number of downloads: 30


#F013209 Number of downloads: 152

Aerial view of Zelenci lakes in Julian Alps region

#F013969 Number of downloads: 393

Otočec castle from the air

#F013810 Number of downloads: 85

Aerial View on Moon Bay In Landscape Park Strunjan

#F015787 Number of downloads: 6

Brdo park in the winter

#F015788 Number of downloads: 13

Brdo park in the winter

#F015757 Number of downloads: 5


#F015759 Number of downloads: 39

Bizeljsko, Sv. Lawrence church

#F015633 Number of downloads: 11

Terme Ptuj

Shepherd's settlement on the mount of Velika Planina

Shepherd's settlement on the mount of Velika Planina

Number of downloads: 111
Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Number of downloads: 20
Shepherd's settlement and cows grazing on the mount Velika Planina

Shepherd's settlement and cows grazing on the mount Velika Planina

Number of downloads: 93
Healthy Water Resorts top drone photo Thermana Laško

Healthy Water Resorts top drone photo Thermana Laško

Number of downloads: 40
Healthy Water Resorts top drone photo Thermana Laško

Healthy Water Resorts top drone photo Thermana Laško

Number of downloads: 35
Chapel of Marija Snežna on Velika Planina

Chapel of Marija Snežna on Velika Planina

Number of downloads: 55
Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Number of downloads: 30
Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Number of downloads: 24
Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Number of downloads: 17
Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Number of downloads: 20
Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Number of downloads: 16


Number of downloads: 30
Aerial view of Zelenci lakes in Julian Alps region

Aerial view of Zelenci lakes in Julian Alps region

Number of downloads: 152
Otočec castle from the air

Otočec castle from the air

Number of downloads: 393
Aerial View on Moon Bay In Landscape Park Strunjan

Aerial View on Moon Bay In Landscape Park Strunjan

Number of downloads: 85
Brdo park in the winter

Brdo park in the winter

Number of downloads: 6
Brdo park in the winter

Brdo park in the winter

Number of downloads: 13


Number of downloads: 5
Bizeljsko, Sv. Lawrence church

Bizeljsko, Sv. Lawrence church

Number of downloads: 39
Terme Ptuj

Terme Ptuj

Number of downloads: 11