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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “hiking trails”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F008975 Number of downloads: 11

Kras hiking trails on Kokoši

#F010450 Number of downloads: 38

Hiking in the green valley, Žalec

#F008927 Number of downloads: 8

Vršne trails on Trstelj

#F001699 Number of downloads: 37

Pohorje ski trails

#F002666 Number of downloads: 6

Travelling along the trails of the Triglav fairytales

#F010469 Number of downloads: 75

Lovrenška lakes

#F010442 Number of downloads: 17

Hop hike Žalec

#F013913 Number of downloads: 57

Summer in Maribor, view from path to Piramida to Maribor

#F010473 Number of downloads: 200

Lovrenška lakes

#F013551 Number of downloads: 44

Juliana Trail, Jasna lake

#F000042 Number of downloads: 63

Gingerbread making

#F000274 Number of downloads: 21


#F013165 Number of downloads: 45

Hiking at Rogla

#F008492 Number of downloads: 12

Hiking on Rogla

#F008618 Number of downloads: 55

Hiking on Krstenica

#F008619 Number of downloads: 39

Hiking on Krstenica

#F001696 Number of downloads: 41

Hiking on Pohorje 2

#F001697 Number of downloads: 16

Hiking on Pohorje

#F001762 Number of downloads: 36

Hiking on Pohorje 1

#F003935 Number of downloads: 39

Hiking in Mangart 1

Kras hiking trails on Kokoši

Kras hiking trails on Kokoši

Number of downloads: 11
Hiking in the green valley, Žalec

Hiking in the green valley, Žalec

Number of downloads: 38
Vršne trails on Trstelj

Vršne trails on Trstelj

Number of downloads: 8
Pohorje ski trails

Pohorje ski trails

Number of downloads: 37
Travelling along the trails of the Triglav fairytales

Travelling along the trails of the Triglav fairytales

Number of downloads: 6
Recommended Lovrenška lakes

Lovrenška lakes

Number of downloads: 75
Hop hike Žalec

Hop hike Žalec

Number of downloads: 17
Summer in Maribor, view from path to Piramida to Maribor

Summer in Maribor, view from path to Piramida to Maribor

Number of downloads: 57
Recommended Lovrenška lakes

Lovrenška lakes

Number of downloads: 200
Juliana Trail, Jasna lake

Juliana Trail, Jasna lake

Number of downloads: 44
Gingerbread making

Gingerbread making

Number of downloads: 63


Number of downloads: 21
Hiking at Rogla

Hiking at Rogla

Number of downloads: 45
Hiking on Rogla

Hiking on Rogla

Number of downloads: 12
Hiking on Krstenica

Hiking on Krstenica

Number of downloads: 55
Hiking on Krstenica

Hiking on Krstenica

Number of downloads: 39
Hiking on Pohorje 2

Hiking on Pohorje 2

Number of downloads: 41
Hiking on Pohorje

Hiking on Pohorje

Number of downloads: 16
Hiking on Pohorje 1

Hiking on Pohorje 1

Number of downloads: 36
Hiking in Mangart 1

Hiking in Mangart 1

Number of downloads: 39