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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “hayrack”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F002556 Number of downloads: 46

Bohinj hayrack, Traditional hay storage

#F002553 Number of downloads: 90

The village Studor in Bohinj with typical Bohinj hayracks

#F010378 Number of downloads: 100

Land of Hayracks, Šentrupert

#F002444 Number of downloads: 43

Church of St. Clement in Mojstrana

#F014765 Number of downloads: 22

Novo mesto, Matjaz's Homestead

#F014766 Number of downloads: 25

Novo mesto, Matjaz's Homestead

#F014767 Number of downloads: 17

Novo mesto, Matjaz's Homestead

#F013280 Number of downloads: 39

Mateževa domačija in Dolenjska region

#F013534 Number of downloads: 16

Spodnja Rečica near Laško

#F013319 Number of downloads: 43

Biking at Krvavec

#F004299 Number of downloads: 73

Jesenice, the town of steel and flowers

#F013303 Number of downloads: 17

Juneževa domačija

#F004214 Number of downloads: 28

Kranjska Gora

#F002635 Number of downloads: 22

Cross-country skiing in Tourist destination Kranjska Gora

#F002665 Number of downloads: 32


#F004369 Number of downloads: 75

Martuljek mountain group

#F008740 Number of downloads: 29

Brsniki in Kamniška Bistrica

#F002614 Number of downloads: 61

Cross-country skiing in Tourist destination Kranjska Gora

Bohinj hayrack, Traditional hay storage

Bohinj hayrack, Traditional hay storage

Number of downloads: 46
The village Studor in Bohinj with typical Bohinj hayracks

The village Studor in Bohinj with typical Bohinj hayracks

Number of downloads: 90
Land of Hayracks, Šentrupert

Land of Hayracks, Šentrupert

Number of downloads: 100
Church of St. Clement in Mojstrana

Church of St. Clement in Mojstrana

Number of downloads: 43
Novo mesto, Matjaz's Homestead

Novo mesto, Matjaz's Homestead

Number of downloads: 22
Novo mesto, Matjaz's Homestead

Novo mesto, Matjaz's Homestead

Number of downloads: 25
Novo mesto, Matjaz's Homestead

Novo mesto, Matjaz's Homestead

Number of downloads: 17
Mateževa domačija in Dolenjska region

Mateževa domačija in Dolenjska region

Number of downloads: 39
Spodnja Rečica near Laško

Spodnja Rečica near Laško

Number of downloads: 16
Biking at Krvavec

Biking at Krvavec

Number of downloads: 43
Jesenice, the town of steel and flowers

Jesenice, the town of steel and flowers

Number of downloads: 73
Juneževa domačija

Juneževa domačija

Number of downloads: 17
Kranjska Gora

Kranjska Gora

Number of downloads: 28
Cross-country skiing in Tourist destination Kranjska Gora

Cross-country skiing in Tourist destination Kranjska Gora

Number of downloads: 22


Number of downloads: 32
Martuljek mountain group

Martuljek mountain group

Number of downloads: 75
Brsniki in Kamniška Bistrica

Brsniki in Kamniška Bistrica

Number of downloads: 29
Cross-country skiing in Tourist destination Kranjska Gora

Cross-country skiing in Tourist destination Kranjska Gora

Number of downloads: 61