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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “confluence of Soca and Lepena rivers”

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Number of downloads
#F008023 Number of downloads: 51

Cycling in Kobarid, Soca Valley

#F004350 Number of downloads: 104

Soca river in Trenta Valley

#F000155 Number of downloads: 656

Kayaking, Soca river, Kobarid

#F001273 Number of downloads: 251

E24-Emerald river Soca in Great gorges

#F001290 Number of downloads: 32

E23-Soca river and the mountains

#F000055 Number of downloads: 177

Krn - Dreznica, Kobarid, Soca Valley

Cycling in Kobarid, Soca Valley

Cycling in Kobarid, Soca Valley

Number of downloads: 51
Soca river in Trenta Valley

Soca river in Trenta Valley

Number of downloads: 104
Kayaking, Soca river, Kobarid

Kayaking, Soca river, Kobarid

Number of downloads: 656
E24-Emerald river Soca in Great gorges

E24-Emerald river Soca in Great gorges

Number of downloads: 251
E23-Soca river and the mountains

E23-Soca river and the mountains

Number of downloads: 32
Krn - Dreznica, Kobarid, Soca Valley

Krn - Dreznica, Kobarid, Soca Valley

Number of downloads: 177