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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “bled island”

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Number of downloads
#F010027 Number of downloads: 26

Massage relaxation in glamping village Camping Bled

#F010031 Number of downloads: 13

View at Lake Bled from Hotel Golf

#F000838 Number of downloads: 46

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F000840 Number of downloads: 20

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F000857 Number of downloads: 97

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F000858 Number of downloads: 142

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F000859 Number of downloads: 59

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F000865 Number of downloads: 74

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F003905 Number of downloads: 50

The Bled castle with a new lighting

#F003922 Number of downloads: 6

Nature s fabulas play on Bled golf Course

#F010618 Number of downloads: 62

Tim Gornik at 14th tee at Royal Bled Golf Course

#F009924 Number of downloads: 191

Wooden bridge over the water in Bled Vintgar

#F013684 Number of downloads: 35

Coxed Eight In Racing Boat At Rowing Competition Bled, Slovenija

#F013685 Number of downloads: 24

Rower in a boat at Lake Bled with Lake Castle In Background

#F013686 Number of downloads: 35

Competitors warming up for Rowing Competition At Lake Bled, Slovenia

#F009864 Number of downloads: 156

View from Ojstrica hill above the Bled lake

#F003906 Number of downloads: 10

Lake Bled is known by the best rowers in the world

#F003910 Number of downloads: 103

Bled in winter with Karavanke mountain ranges in the background

#F003904 Number of downloads: 53

Bled with Julian Alps and its highest mountain Triglav in the background

#F003908 Number of downloads: 120

Bled in fall with ancient castle on the steep cliff rising above the glacial

Massage relaxation in glamping village Camping Bled

Massage relaxation in glamping village Camping Bled

Number of downloads: 26
View at Lake Bled from Hotel Golf

View at Lake Bled from Hotel Golf

Number of downloads: 13
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 46
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 20
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 97
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 142
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 59
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 74
The Bled castle with a new lighting

The Bled castle with a new lighting

Number of downloads: 50
Nature s fabulas play on Bled golf Course

Nature s fabulas play on Bled golf Course

Number of downloads: 6
Tim Gornik at 14th tee at Royal Bled Golf Course

Tim Gornik at 14th tee at Royal Bled Golf Course

Number of downloads: 62
Wooden bridge over the water in Bled Vintgar

Wooden bridge over the water in Bled Vintgar

Number of downloads: 191
Coxed Eight In Racing Boat At Rowing Competition Bled, Slovenija

Coxed Eight In Racing Boat At Rowing Competition Bled, Slovenija

Number of downloads: 35
Rower in a boat at Lake Bled with Lake Castle In Background

Rower in a boat at Lake Bled with Lake Castle In Background

Number of downloads: 24
Competitors warming up for Rowing Competition At Lake Bled, Slovenia

Competitors warming up for Rowing Competition At Lake Bled, Slovenia

Number of downloads: 35
View from Ojstrica hill above the Bled lake

View from Ojstrica hill above the Bled lake

Number of downloads: 156
Lake Bled is known by the best rowers in the world

Lake Bled is known by the best rowers in the world

Number of downloads: 10
Bled in winter with Karavanke mountain ranges in the background

Bled in winter with Karavanke mountain ranges in the background

Number of downloads: 103
Bled with Julian Alps and its highest mountain Triglav in the background

Bled with Julian Alps and its highest mountain Triglav in the background

Number of downloads: 53
Bled in fall with ancient castle on the steep cliff rising  above the glacial

Bled in fall with ancient castle on the steep cliff rising above the glacial

Number of downloads: 120