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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “bell tower”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F004890 Number of downloads: 41

Šmartno from the bell tower

#F010629 Number of downloads: 91

Koper old town with the bell tower and richly decorated Christmas tree in festive december

#F010640 Number of downloads: 61

Koper old town with the characteristic bell of Koper Cathedral

#F012810 Number of downloads: 6

Arboretum Volcji Potok the wishing bell

#F000787 Number of downloads: 112

Bled, the day is saying goodbye

#F015477 Number of downloads: 28

Climbing Bohinj Bellevue

#F000800 Number of downloads: 97

Bled with the surroundings

#F000075 Number of downloads: 144

Piran, view from the sea

#F000431 Number of downloads: 73

Piran, reflections in the sea

#F000789 Number of downloads: 210

Bled, the day is waking up

#F000791 Number of downloads: 281

Bled, into a new day

#F000806 Number of downloads: 106

Bled, the evening is coming

#F000210 Number of downloads: 116

Piran, night view from Strunjan

#F008971 Number of downloads: 19

#F002453 Number of downloads: 50

View on Radovljica

#F000832 Number of downloads: 660

Bled castle

#F000782 Number of downloads: 329

Bled, in the middle of the lake

#F000784 Number of downloads: 196

Bled, Ice hug

#F000785 Number of downloads: 196

Bled, double image

#F000798 Number of downloads: 135

Seething at Bled

Šmartno from the bell tower

Šmartno from the bell tower

Number of downloads: 41
Koper old town with the bell tower and richly decorated Christmas tree in festive december

Koper old town with the bell tower and richly decorated Christmas tree in festive december

Number of downloads: 91
Koper old town with the characteristic bell of Koper Cathedral

Koper old town with the characteristic bell of Koper Cathedral

Number of downloads: 61
Arboretum Volcji Potok the wishing bell

Arboretum Volcji Potok the wishing bell

Number of downloads: 6
Bled, the day is saying goodbye

Bled, the day is saying goodbye

Number of downloads: 112
Climbing Bohinj Bellevue

Climbing Bohinj Bellevue

Number of downloads: 28
Bled with the surroundings

Bled with the surroundings

Number of downloads: 97
Piran, view from the sea

Piran, view from the sea

Number of downloads: 144
Piran, reflections in the sea

Piran, reflections in the sea

Number of downloads: 73
Bled, the day is waking up

Bled, the day is waking up

Number of downloads: 210
Bled, into a new day

Bled, into a new day

Number of downloads: 281
Bled, the evening is coming

Bled, the evening is coming

Number of downloads: 106
Piran, night view from Strunjan

Piran, night view from Strunjan

Number of downloads: 116


Number of downloads: 19
View on Radovljica

View on Radovljica

Number of downloads: 50
Bled castle

Bled castle

Number of downloads: 660
Bled, in the middle of the lake

Bled, in the middle of the lake

Number of downloads: 329
Bled, Ice hug

Bled, Ice hug

Number of downloads: 196
Bled, double image

Bled, double image

Number of downloads: 196
Seething at Bled

Seething at Bled

Number of downloads: 135