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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “basket”

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Number of downloads
#F004861 Number of downloads: 28

Cherries in a basket, Goriska Brda

#F008350 Number of downloads: 77

Baskets of seasonal goodies at Skok restaurant

#F015082 Number of downloads: 43

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Mrkotova trdinka -red corn - in a basket

#F008156 Number of downloads: 23

Wicker man from the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice

#F010588 Number of downloads: 72

Cherry Festival

#F001617 Number of downloads: 59

Still Life in Pohorje

#F010589 Number of downloads: 97

Cherry Festival

#F010169 Number of downloads: 51

Picnic infornt of the beehive

#F015144 Number of downloads: 185

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Fresh and local food on your table

#F008138 Number of downloads: 51

Picking herbs at a mansion Trebnik, Slovenske Konjice

#F009212 Number of downloads: 107

Autumn in Bled

#F009136 Number of downloads: 33

Cold cuts from eco farm Pri Lovrcu in Cadrg

Cherries in a basket, Goriska Brda

Cherries in a basket, Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 28
Baskets of seasonal goodies at Skok restaurant

Baskets of seasonal goodies at Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 77
Photos for the product of gastronomy /Mrkotova trdinka -red corn - in a basket

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Mrkotova trdinka -red corn - in a basket

Number of downloads: 43
Wicker man from the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice

Wicker man from the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice

Number of downloads: 23
Cherry Festival

Cherry Festival

Number of downloads: 72
Still Life in Pohorje

Still Life in Pohorje

Number of downloads: 59
Cherry Festival

Cherry Festival

Number of downloads: 97
Picnic infornt of the beehive

Picnic infornt of the beehive

Number of downloads: 51
Photos for the product of gastronomy /Fresh and local food on your table

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Fresh and local food on your table

Number of downloads: 185
Picking herbs at a mansion Trebnik, Slovenske Konjice

Picking herbs at a mansion Trebnik, Slovenske Konjice

Number of downloads: 51
Autumn in Bled

Autumn in Bled

Number of downloads: 107
Cold cuts from eco farm Pri Lovrcu in Cadrg

Cold cuts from eco farm Pri Lovrcu in Cadrg

Number of downloads: 33