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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “barje”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F014465 Number of downloads: 21

Bohinj, Pokljuka

#F004349 Number of downloads: 30

Educational path around Goreljek peat bog

#F010474 Number of downloads: 76

Lovrenška lakes

#F008823 Number of downloads: 33

Hiking in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

#F008857 Number of downloads: 49

Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

#F001820 Number of downloads: 209

Ljubljana Marshes

#F013701 Number of downloads: 276

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Marshes and Krim

#F013702 Number of downloads: 512

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

#F008837 Number of downloads: 63

Hikers at sunrise in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

#F008854 Number of downloads: 26

Morning in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

#F008856 Number of downloads: 83

View over Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park and Kamnik- Saving Alps

#F008855 Number of downloads: 17

Hikers in morning mist, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

#F008858 Number of downloads: 104

Family at Ljubljanica River

#F010356 Number of downloads: 142

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

#F008853 Number of downloads: 70

Cyclists at Bistra Castle, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

#F010355 Number of downloads: 57

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Bohinj, Pokljuka

Bohinj, Pokljuka

Number of downloads: 21
Educational path around Goreljek peat bog

Educational path around Goreljek peat bog

Number of downloads: 30
Recommended Lovrenška lakes

Lovrenška lakes

Number of downloads: 76
Hiking in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Hiking in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Number of downloads: 33
Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Number of downloads: 49
Ljubljana Marshes

Ljubljana Marshes

Number of downloads: 209
Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Marshes and Krim

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Marshes and Krim

Number of downloads: 276
Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

Number of downloads: 512
Hikers at sunrise in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Hikers at sunrise in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Number of downloads: 63
Morning in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Morning in Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Number of downloads: 26
View over Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park and Kamnik- Saving Alps

View over Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park and Kamnik- Saving Alps

Number of downloads: 83
Hikers in morning mist, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Hikers in morning mist, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Number of downloads: 17
Family at Ljubljanica River

Family at Ljubljanica River

Number of downloads: 104
Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 142
Cyclists at Bistra Castle, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Cyclists at Bistra Castle, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Number of downloads: 70
Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 57