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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “arihtekturna dediščina”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F015368 Number of downloads: 27

Kamnik Main Square

#F015369 Number of downloads: 59

Kamnik - Chappel on Mali grad

#F015370 Number of downloads: 17

Kamnik - Mali grad

#F015373 Number of downloads: 22

Kamnik - view at the city from Mali grad

#F015374 Number of downloads: 21


#F015375 Number of downloads: 39

Kamnik Šutna main street

#F015376 Number of downloads: 62

Kamnik Šutna main street

#F015377 Number of downloads: 18

Kamnik train station

#F015378 Number of downloads: 18

Kamnik train station

#F015379 Number of downloads: 15

Kamnik - Plečnik's feritage at Stele house

#F015798 Number of downloads: 32

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015799 Number of downloads: 10

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015800 Number of downloads: 12

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015801 Number of downloads: 36

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015802 Number of downloads: 29

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015803 Number of downloads: 57

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015371 Number of downloads: 22

Kamnik - Plečnik's dining room at Stele house

#F015372 Number of downloads: 5

Kamnik - Plečnik's furniture at Stele house

#F013120 Number of downloads: 148

Summer in Ljubljana

Kamnik Main Square

Kamnik Main Square

Number of downloads: 27
Kamnik - Chappel on Mali grad

Kamnik - Chappel on Mali grad

Number of downloads: 59
Kamnik - Mali grad

Kamnik - Mali grad

Number of downloads: 17
Kamnik - view at the city from Mali grad

Kamnik - view at the city from Mali grad

Number of downloads: 22


Number of downloads: 21
Kamnik Šutna main street

Kamnik Šutna main street

Number of downloads: 39
Kamnik Šutna main street

Kamnik Šutna main street

Number of downloads: 62
Kamnik train station

Kamnik train station

Number of downloads: 18
Kamnik train station

Kamnik train station

Number of downloads: 18
Kamnik - Plečnik's feritage at Stele house

Kamnik - Plečnik's feritage at Stele house

Number of downloads: 15
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 32
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 10
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 12
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 36
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 29
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 57
Kamnik - Plečnik's dining room at Stele house

Kamnik - Plečnik's dining room at Stele house

Number of downloads: 22
Kamnik - Plečnik's furniture at Stele house

Kamnik - Plečnik's furniture at Stele house

Number of downloads: 5
Summer in Ljubljana

Summer in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 148