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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “arcitecture”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F008251 Number of downloads: 17

Family on the farm, Tourist farm Matk

#F009000 Number of downloads: 17

Town of Podsreda

#F004069 Number of downloads: 10

Art Gallery Maribor 1

#F003905 Number of downloads: 50

The Bled castle with a new lighting

#F014939 Number of downloads: 40

Square in Šmartno, Gorizia hills

#F014477 Number of downloads: 56

Kranj, Plečnik stairs

#F014243 Number of downloads: 47

Castle's hall in Ptuj

#F013970 Number of downloads: 48

Podsreda castle

#F013971 Number of downloads: 11

Podsreda village

#F013972 Number of downloads: 24

Podsreda castle

#F013877 Number of downloads: 34

Church in Vidošiči

#F013878 Number of downloads: 24

Church in Vidošiči

#F013879 Number of downloads: 43

Church in Vidošiči

#F013830 Number of downloads: 37

Evening summer view on Ljubljana

#F013515 Number of downloads: 32

Snežnik Castle

#F013297 Number of downloads: 112

Evening summer Old castle Celje

#F013290 Number of downloads: 22

Pleterje Charterhouse

#F013292 Number of downloads: 27

Pleterje Charterhouse

#F013258 Number of downloads: 138

Main square in Maribor

#F013263 Number of downloads: 149

Lent in Maribor

Family on the farm, Tourist farm Matk

Family on the farm, Tourist farm Matk

Number of downloads: 17
Town of Podsreda

Town of Podsreda

Number of downloads: 17
Art Gallery Maribor 1

Art Gallery Maribor 1

Number of downloads: 10
The Bled castle with a new lighting

The Bled castle with a new lighting

Number of downloads: 50
Square in Šmartno, Gorizia hills

Square in Šmartno, Gorizia hills

Number of downloads: 40
Kranj, Plečnik stairs

Kranj, Plečnik stairs

Number of downloads: 56
Castle's hall in Ptuj

Castle's hall in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 47
Podsreda castle

Podsreda castle

Number of downloads: 48
Podsreda village

Podsreda village

Number of downloads: 11
Podsreda castle

Podsreda castle

Number of downloads: 24
Church in Vidošiči

Church in Vidošiči

Number of downloads: 34
Church in Vidošiči

Church in Vidošiči

Number of downloads: 24
Church in Vidošiči

Church in Vidošiči

Number of downloads: 43
Evening summer view on Ljubljana

Evening summer view on Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 37
Snežnik Castle

Snežnik Castle

Number of downloads: 32
Evening summer Old castle Celje

Evening summer Old castle Celje

Number of downloads: 112
Pleterje Charterhouse

Pleterje Charterhouse

Number of downloads: 22
Pleterje Charterhouse

Pleterje Charterhouse

Number of downloads: 27
Main square in Maribor

Main square in Maribor

Number of downloads: 138
Lent in Maribor

Lent in Maribor

Number of downloads: 149