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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “aerial photo”

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Number of downloads
#F013697 Number of downloads: 22

Aerial View of Celje and Savinja Valley

#F013205 Number of downloads: 20

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

#F013813 Number of downloads: 104

Aerial View on Bohinj Lake from Ukanc

#F008524 Number of downloads: 45

Kranj , air photo

#F008525 Number of downloads: 20

Kranj , air photo

#F013331 Number of downloads: 31

Aerial view of the bridges over river Drava in Ptuj

#F013307 Number of downloads: 108

Aerial View on Medieval Slovenian Town Ptuj and river Drava

#F013330 Number of downloads: 55

Aerial View of Ptuj and its medieval town with river Drava

#F008110 Number of downloads: 91

Celje, air photo

#F008641 Number of downloads: 17

Škofja Loka, air photo

#F002612 Number of downloads: 36

Triglav Mountain Hut in Kredarica

#F002650 Number of downloads: 41

Gozd Martuljek

#F003864 Number of downloads: 33

View over Laško

#F007846 Number of downloads: 32

Sevnica from the air

#F003920 Number of downloads: 14

Hole 14, behind of Jelovica plateu

#F007771 Number of downloads: 13

Velika Goba in autumn from the air

#F003904 Number of downloads: 53

Bled with Julian Alps and its highest mountain Triglav in the background

#F007759 Number of downloads: 17

Podsreda castle in autumn from the air

#F004448 Number of downloads: 76

Over 3500 different sorts of plants and trees in Arboretum Volčji Potok

#F013169 Number of downloads: 83

Lovrenška lakes aerial

Aerial View of Celje and Savinja Valley

Aerial View of Celje and Savinja Valley

Number of downloads: 22
Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Number of downloads: 20
Aerial View on Bohinj Lake from Ukanc

Aerial View on Bohinj Lake from Ukanc

Number of downloads: 104
Kranj , air photo

Kranj , air photo

Number of downloads: 45
Kranj , air photo

Kranj , air photo

Number of downloads: 20
Aerial view of the bridges over river Drava in Ptuj

Aerial view of the bridges over river Drava in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 31
Aerial View on Medieval  Slovenian Town Ptuj and river Drava

Aerial View on Medieval Slovenian Town Ptuj and river Drava

Number of downloads: 108
Aerial View of Ptuj and its medieval town with river Drava

Aerial View of Ptuj and its medieval town with river Drava

Number of downloads: 55
Celje, air photo

Celje, air photo

Number of downloads: 91
Škofja Loka, air photo

Škofja Loka, air photo

Number of downloads: 17
Triglav Mountain Hut in Kredarica

Triglav Mountain Hut in Kredarica

Number of downloads: 36
Gozd Martuljek

Gozd Martuljek

Number of downloads: 41
View over Laško

View over Laško

Number of downloads: 33
Sevnica from the air

Sevnica from the air

Number of downloads: 32
Hole 14, behind of Jelovica plateu

Hole 14, behind of Jelovica plateu

Number of downloads: 14
Velika Goba in autumn from the air

Velika Goba in autumn from the air

Number of downloads: 13
Bled with Julian Alps and its highest mountain Triglav in the background

Bled with Julian Alps and its highest mountain Triglav in the background

Number of downloads: 53
Podsreda castle in autumn from the air

Podsreda castle in autumn from the air

Number of downloads: 17
Over 3500 different sorts of plants and trees in Arboretum Volčji Potok

Over 3500 different sorts of plants and trees in Arboretum Volčji Potok

Number of downloads: 76
Lovrenška lakes aerial

Lovrenška lakes aerial

Number of downloads: 83