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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “Tanja Sodja, Turizem Bohinj”

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Number of downloads
#F002560 Number of downloads: 81

Fishing on the river Sava Bohinjka

#F002562 Number of downloads: 44

Oplenova house in village Studor, Bohinj

#F002630 Number of downloads: 43

Traditional events in Bohinj - Cow Ball

#F002631 Number of downloads: 50

Traditional events in Bohinj - Cow Ball

#F002653 Number of downloads: 301

Cable car to Vogel, Spring in Bohinj

#F002712 Number of downloads: 117

Skiing on Vogel, Bohinj for families

#F002733 Number of downloads: 125

Paragliding in Bohinj, Vogar mountain pasture

#F002126 Number of downloads: 48

Bohinj gastronomy Wild flower Festival

#F002425 Number of downloads: 83

Lake Bohinj, view from Vogel

#F014460 Number of downloads: 16

Bohinjka, Information center of Triglav national park

#F013813 Number of downloads: 104

Aerial View on Bohinj Lake from Ukanc

#F002601 Number of downloads: 31

Sports events in Bohinj, mountain running to Vogel

#F002633 Number of downloads: 25

Agritourism - Corn planting in village Studor, Bohinj

#F002706 Number of downloads: 15

Hiking and resting at Bohinj alpine pasture

#F002725 Number of downloads: 50

Dobrava, Bohinj - cross-country skiing paradise

#F002064 Number of downloads: 31

The monument of four couragoeus men in Bohinj

#F008662 Number of downloads: 50

The hikers are looking towards Bohinj Lake

#F002547 Number of downloads: 198

Church of St. John the Baptist at Bohinj lake in winter

#F002564 Number of downloads: 41

Horseback riding in Bohinj, Ranch Mrcina in village Studor

#F002624 Number of downloads: 27

Hike at the full moon, Vogel above Bohinj

Fishing on the river Sava Bohinjka

Fishing on the river Sava Bohinjka

Number of downloads: 81
Oplenova house in village Studor, Bohinj

Oplenova house in village Studor, Bohinj

Number of downloads: 44
Traditional events in Bohinj - Cow Ball

Traditional events in Bohinj - Cow Ball

Number of downloads: 43
Traditional events in Bohinj - Cow Ball

Traditional events in Bohinj - Cow Ball

Number of downloads: 50
Cable car to Vogel, Spring in Bohinj

Cable car to Vogel, Spring in Bohinj

Number of downloads: 301
Skiing on Vogel, Bohinj for families

Skiing on Vogel, Bohinj for families

Number of downloads: 117
Paragliding in Bohinj, Vogar mountain pasture

Paragliding in Bohinj, Vogar mountain pasture

Number of downloads: 125
Bohinj gastronomy Wild flower Festival

Bohinj gastronomy Wild flower Festival

Number of downloads: 48
Lake Bohinj, view from Vogel

Lake Bohinj, view from Vogel

Number of downloads: 83
Bohinjka, Information center of Triglav national park

Bohinjka, Information center of Triglav national park

Number of downloads: 16
Aerial View on Bohinj Lake from Ukanc

Aerial View on Bohinj Lake from Ukanc

Number of downloads: 104
Sports events in Bohinj, mountain running to Vogel

Sports events in Bohinj, mountain running to Vogel

Number of downloads: 31
Agritourism - Corn planting in village Studor, Bohinj

Agritourism - Corn planting in village Studor, Bohinj

Number of downloads: 25
Hiking  and resting at Bohinj alpine pasture

Hiking and resting at Bohinj alpine pasture

Number of downloads: 15
Dobrava, Bohinj -  cross-country skiing paradise

Dobrava, Bohinj - cross-country skiing paradise

Number of downloads: 50
The monument of four couragoeus men in Bohinj

The monument of four couragoeus men in Bohinj

Number of downloads: 31
The hikers are looking towards Bohinj Lake

The hikers are looking towards Bohinj Lake

Number of downloads: 50
Church of St. John the Baptist at Bohinj lake in winter

Church of St. John the Baptist at Bohinj lake in winter

Number of downloads: 198
Horseback riding in Bohinj, Ranch Mrcina in village Studor

Horseback riding in Bohinj, Ranch Mrcina in village Studor

Number of downloads: 41
Hike at the full moon, Vogel above Bohinj

Hike at the full moon, Vogel above Bohinj

Number of downloads: 27