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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “Ljubljanski grad”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F013702 Number of downloads: 513

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

#F013123 Number of downloads: 44

With a boat on Ljubljanica river

#F012437 Number of downloads: 52

Ljubljana in the winter

#F009262 Number of downloads: 32

Observing the Ljubljana castle manikin in autumn

#F013107 Number of downloads: 98

Summer evening in Ljubljana

#F013119 Number of downloads: 176

View point looking at Ljubljana city

#F013122 Number of downloads: 244

Spring in Ljubljana

#F009205 Number of downloads: 79

Ljubljana in festive December

#F012436 Number of downloads: 45

Ljubljana in the winter

#F013125 Number of downloads: 64

With a boat on Ljubljanica river

#F010552 Number of downloads: 82

Film Under the Stars

#F010553 Number of downloads: 27

Film Under the Stars

#F010172 Number of downloads: 65

Urban beekeeper, Ljubljana

#F013821 Number of downloads: 53

Summer in Ljubljana - Park Zvezda

#F013120 Number of downloads: 148

Summer in Ljubljana

#F004228 Number of downloads: 63

The view of Ljubljana castle from Kongresni trg square

#F000622 Number of downloads: 208


#F010363 Number of downloads: 120

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

#F010366 Number of downloads: 207

Jože Plečnik, Marketplace, Butcher's bridge, Ljubljana

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

Number of downloads: 513
With a boat on Ljubljanica river

With a boat on Ljubljanica river

Number of downloads: 44
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 52
Observing the Ljubljana castle manikin in autumn

Observing the Ljubljana castle manikin in autumn

Number of downloads: 32
Summer evening in Ljubljana

Summer evening in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 98
View point looking at Ljubljana city

View point looking at Ljubljana city

Number of downloads: 176
Spring in Ljubljana

Spring in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 244
Ljubljana in festive December

Ljubljana in festive December

Number of downloads: 79
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 45
With a boat on Ljubljanica river

With a boat on Ljubljanica river

Number of downloads: 64
Film Under the Stars

Film Under the Stars

Number of downloads: 82
Film Under the Stars

Film Under the Stars

Number of downloads: 27
Urban beekeeper, Ljubljana

Urban beekeeper, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 65
Summer in Ljubljana - Park Zvezda

Summer in Ljubljana - Park Zvezda

Number of downloads: 53
Summer in Ljubljana

Summer in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 148
The view of Ljubljana castle from Kongresni trg square

The view of Ljubljana castle from Kongresni trg square

Number of downloads: 63


Number of downloads: 208
Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 120
Jože Plečnik, Marketplace, Butcher's bridge, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Marketplace, Butcher's bridge, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 207