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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “Ljubljana with surroundings”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F001824 Number of downloads: 59

Summer theatre Križanke

#F001827 Number of downloads: 353

A boatride on Ljubljanica River

#F005021 Number of downloads: 29

By night

#F013702 Number of downloads: 512

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

#F013825 Number of downloads: 109

Summer in Ljubljana - view on Ljubljana

#F013826 Number of downloads: 72

Summer in Ljubljana - view on Ljubljana

#F010729 Number of downloads: 160

Ljubljana from Ljubljana marshes

#F005028 Number of downloads: 107

Plecnik market

#F013050 Number of downloads: 38

Castle Bistra

#F004271 Number of downloads: 34

Praznični december 2013_5

#F000348 Number of downloads: 88

Sunday s parade at National Costumes and Clothing Heritage Festival

#F005027 Number of downloads: 143

Plecnik market

#F000304 Number of downloads: 79

Trnič from Velika planina - cheese of love

#F013701 Number of downloads: 275

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Marshes and Krim

#F001816 Number of downloads: 40

Running in park Tivoli

#F002036 Number of downloads: 62

Trnic cheese

#F013051 Number of downloads: 44

Castle Bistra

#F013052 Number of downloads: 29

Castle Bistra

#F015191 Number of downloads: 115


#F015192 Number of downloads: 205


Summer theatre Križanke

Summer theatre Križanke

Number of downloads: 59
A boatride on Ljubljanica River

A boatride on Ljubljanica River

Number of downloads: 353
By night

By night

Number of downloads: 29
Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

Number of downloads: 512
Summer in Ljubljana - view on Ljubljana

Summer in Ljubljana - view on Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 109
Summer in Ljubljana - view on Ljubljana

Summer in Ljubljana - view on Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 72
Ljubljana from Ljubljana marshes

Ljubljana from Ljubljana marshes

Number of downloads: 160
Plecnik market

Plecnik market

Number of downloads: 107
Castle Bistra

Castle Bistra

Number of downloads: 38
Praznični december 2013_5

Praznični december 2013_5

Number of downloads: 34
Sunday s parade at National Costumes and Clothing Heritage Festival

Sunday s parade at National Costumes and Clothing Heritage Festival

Number of downloads: 88
Plecnik market

Plecnik market

Number of downloads: 143
Trnič from Velika planina - cheese of love

Trnič from Velika planina - cheese of love

Number of downloads: 79
Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Marshes and Krim

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Marshes and Krim

Number of downloads: 275
Running in park Tivoli

Running in park Tivoli

Number of downloads: 40
Trnic cheese

Trnic cheese

Number of downloads: 62
Castle Bistra

Castle Bistra

Number of downloads: 44
Castle Bistra

Castle Bistra

Number of downloads: 29


Number of downloads: 115


Number of downloads: 205