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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “Kamniško Savinjske Alpe”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F013700 Number of downloads: 38

Aerial View On Old Town of Kamnik

#F008638 Number of downloads: 67

Rinka Waterfall

#F014913 Number of downloads: 17

Hikers at the beginning of Alpe Adria trail stage

#F014841 Number of downloads: 28

Family walking on Alpe Adria trail, Kokoš hill

#F014929 Number of downloads: 89

Hikers at Soča river walking the Alpe Adria trail

#F014931 Number of downloads: 52

Hikers walking the Alpe Adria trail, Gorizia hills

#F014842 Number of downloads: 36

Family enjoying the sea view on Alpe Adria trail

#F008497 Number of downloads: 27

A walker at Šenkova domačija, Jezersko

#F008740 Number of downloads: 29

Brsniki in Kamniška Bistrica

#F009836 Number of downloads: 74

Velika Planina

#F008496 Number of downloads: 15

Hiker at the Old Church of Sv. Ozbolt in Jezersko

#F008610 Number of downloads: 134

Hiker and Rinka waterfall

#F008631 Number of downloads: 79

The hikers are looking over the Logar Valley

#F013076 Number of downloads: 44

Castle Zaprice and Kamnik

#F013077 Number of downloads: 139

The town of Kamnik and Castle Zaprice

#F008766 Number of downloads: 100

Shepherdess manufacturing cheese

#F009864 Number of downloads: 156

View from Ojstrica hill above the Bled lake

#F008030 Number of downloads: 44

Cycling on Solcava Panoramic Road, Logar Valley

#F007973 Number of downloads: 48

Cycling on Solčava Panoramic Road, Logar Valley

#F009466 Number of downloads: 5

Mountain Biking in Krvavec

Aerial View On Old Town of Kamnik

Aerial View On Old Town of Kamnik

Number of downloads: 38
Rinka Waterfall

Rinka Waterfall

Number of downloads: 67
Hikers at the beginning of Alpe Adria trail stage

Hikers at the beginning of Alpe Adria trail stage

Number of downloads: 17
Family walking on Alpe Adria trail, Kokoš hill

Family walking on Alpe Adria trail, Kokoš hill

Number of downloads: 28
Hikers at Soča river walking the Alpe Adria trail

Hikers at Soča river walking the Alpe Adria trail

Number of downloads: 89
Hikers walking the Alpe Adria trail, Gorizia hills

Hikers walking the Alpe Adria trail, Gorizia hills

Number of downloads: 52
Family enjoying the sea view on Alpe Adria trail

Family enjoying the sea view on Alpe Adria trail

Number of downloads: 36
A walker at Šenkova domačija, Jezersko

A walker at Šenkova domačija, Jezersko

Number of downloads: 27
Brsniki in Kamniška Bistrica

Brsniki in Kamniška Bistrica

Number of downloads: 29
Velika Planina

Velika Planina

Number of downloads: 74
Hiker at the Old Church of Sv. Ozbolt in Jezersko

Hiker at the Old Church of Sv. Ozbolt in Jezersko

Number of downloads: 15
Hiker and Rinka waterfall

Hiker and Rinka waterfall

Number of downloads: 134
The hikers are looking over the Logar Valley

The hikers are looking over the Logar Valley

Number of downloads: 79
Castle Zaprice and Kamnik

Castle Zaprice and Kamnik

Number of downloads: 44
The town of Kamnik and Castle Zaprice

The town of Kamnik and Castle Zaprice

Number of downloads: 139
Shepherdess manufacturing cheese

Shepherdess manufacturing cheese

Number of downloads: 100
View from Ojstrica hill above the Bled lake

View from Ojstrica hill above the Bled lake

Number of downloads: 156
Cycling on Solcava Panoramic Road, Logar Valley

Cycling on Solcava Panoramic Road, Logar Valley

Number of downloads: 44
Cycling on Solčava Panoramic Road, Logar Valley

Cycling on Solčava Panoramic Road, Logar Valley

Number of downloads: 48
Mountain Biking in Krvavec

Mountain Biking in Krvavec

Number of downloads: 5