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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “Arhiv forvod for turizem in šport v občini Kamnik”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F008765 Number of downloads: 146

Velika planina, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

#F000145 Number of downloads: 53

Spring of the Kamniška Bistrica, Kamnik

#F015371 Number of downloads: 22

Kamnik - Plečnik's dining room at Stele house

#F013077 Number of downloads: 138

The town of Kamnik and Castle Zaprice

#F008758 Number of downloads: 43

Hiker under Rinke, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

#F008763 Number of downloads: 55

Shepherd on Velika planina, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

#F008764 Number of downloads: 153

Hikers on Velika planina, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

#F004440 Number of downloads: 33

National costume days Kamnik, folclore festival

#F015373 Number of downloads: 22

Kamnik - view at the city from Mali grad

#F013205 Number of downloads: 20

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

#F008761 Number of downloads: 58

Hikers on their way to Ledine, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

#F010665 Number of downloads: 46

Skiers on top of the mountain in Kamnik and Savinja Alps

#F008745 Number of downloads: 34

Kamnik- Savinja Alps from the top of the Kompotela

#F008603 Number of downloads: 41

Centre of Kamnik with the parish church of Marys Immaculate Conception

#F000601 Number of downloads: 47

Ljubljana-Dravlje with Šmarna gora and Kamnik s Alps in background

#F008856 Number of downloads: 82

View over Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park and Kamnik- Saving Alps

#F007701 Number of downloads: 156

Trail running in Bohinj with the view of Karavanke and Kamnik Alps in the background

#F014071 Number of downloads: 194

Hiking in Kočevje forest for bear watching

#F014610 Number of downloads: 28

Trnovo forest

#F014611 Number of downloads: 53

Trnovo forest

Velika planina, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Velika planina, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Number of downloads: 146
Spring of the Kamniška Bistrica, Kamnik

Spring of the Kamniška Bistrica, Kamnik

Number of downloads: 53
Kamnik - Plečnik's dining room at Stele house

Kamnik - Plečnik's dining room at Stele house

Number of downloads: 22
The town of Kamnik and Castle Zaprice

The town of Kamnik and Castle Zaprice

Number of downloads: 138
Hiker under Rinke, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Hiker under Rinke, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Number of downloads: 43
Shepherd on Velika planina, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Shepherd on Velika planina, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Number of downloads: 55
Hikers on Velika planina, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Hikers on Velika planina, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Number of downloads: 153
National costume days Kamnik, folclore festival

National costume days Kamnik, folclore festival

Number of downloads: 33
Kamnik - view at the city from Mali grad

Kamnik - view at the city from Mali grad

Number of downloads: 22
Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Number of downloads: 20
Hikers on their way to Ledine, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Hikers on their way to Ledine, Kamnik- Savinja Alps

Number of downloads: 58
Skiers on top of the mountain in Kamnik and Savinja Alps

Skiers on top of the mountain in Kamnik and Savinja Alps

Number of downloads: 46
Kamnik- Savinja Alps from the top of the Kompotela

Kamnik- Savinja Alps from the top of the Kompotela

Number of downloads: 34
Centre of Kamnik with the parish church of Marys Immaculate Conception

Centre of Kamnik with the parish church of Marys Immaculate Conception

Number of downloads: 41
Ljubljana-Dravlje with Šmarna gora and Kamnik s Alps in background

Ljubljana-Dravlje with Šmarna gora and Kamnik s Alps in background

Number of downloads: 47
View over Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park and Kamnik- Saving Alps

View over Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park and Kamnik- Saving Alps

Number of downloads: 82
Trail running in Bohinj with the view of Karavanke and Kamnik Alps in the background

Trail running in Bohinj with the view of Karavanke and Kamnik Alps in the background

Number of downloads: 156
Hiking in Kočevje forest for bear watching

Hiking in Kočevje forest for bear watching

Number of downloads: 194
Trnovo forest

Trnovo forest

Number of downloads: 28
Trnovo forest

Trnovo forest

Number of downloads: 53