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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “čas v dvoje”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F013777 Number of downloads: 41

Relaxation in Terme Ptuj

#F015586 Number of downloads: 9

Mestni vrh hill above Ptuj

#F014212 Number of downloads: 98

Walking through old City Centre

#F011636 Number of downloads: 14

Summer in Slovenske Konjice

#F011682 Number of downloads: 68

Young couple enjoys the view over Celje from the Old Castle

#F014221 Number of downloads: 89

Couple relaxing in SPA

#F014225 Number of downloads: 59

Couple having breakfast in nature

#F011578 Number of downloads: 39

Couple time in summer by the sea

#F015615 Number of downloads: 21

Gastronomy on Ptuj Castle

#F014223 Number of downloads: 45

Couple in wine cellar

#F014243 Number of downloads: 47

Castle's hall in Ptuj

#F011634 Number of downloads: 26

Summer in Slovenske Konjice

#F014224 Number of downloads: 27

Virtual game in Expano pavillion

#F013977 Number of downloads: 20

Activities in Podčetrtek

#F013983 Number of downloads: 80

Cycling by the Olimje monastery

#F015618 Number of downloads: 8

Ptuj gastronomy workshop

#F011434 Number of downloads: 6

Winter activities on snow

#F015601 Number of downloads: 1

Roman feast in Ptuj

#F014244 Number of downloads: 48

Days of poetry and wine

#F014231 Number of downloads: 109

Supping in the City Centre

Relaxation in Terme Ptuj

Relaxation in Terme Ptuj

Number of downloads: 41
Mestni vrh hill above Ptuj

Mestni vrh hill above Ptuj

Number of downloads: 9
Walking through old City Centre

Walking through old City Centre

Number of downloads: 98
Summer in Slovenske Konjice

Summer in Slovenske Konjice

Number of downloads: 14
Young couple enjoys the view over Celje from the Old Castle

Young couple enjoys the view over Celje from the Old Castle

Number of downloads: 68
Couple relaxing in SPA

Couple relaxing in SPA

Number of downloads: 89
Couple having breakfast in nature

Couple having breakfast in nature

Number of downloads: 59
Couple time in summer by the sea

Couple time in summer by the sea

Number of downloads: 39
Gastronomy on Ptuj Castle

Gastronomy on Ptuj Castle

Number of downloads: 21
Couple in wine cellar

Couple in wine cellar

Number of downloads: 45
Castle's hall in Ptuj

Castle's hall in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 47
Summer in Slovenske Konjice

Summer in Slovenske Konjice

Number of downloads: 26
Virtual game in Expano pavillion

Virtual game in Expano pavillion

Number of downloads: 27
Activities in Podčetrtek

Activities in Podčetrtek

Number of downloads: 20
Cycling by the Olimje monastery

Cycling by the Olimje monastery

Number of downloads: 80
Ptuj gastronomy workshop

Ptuj gastronomy workshop

Number of downloads: 8
Winter activities on snow

Winter activities on snow

Number of downloads: 6
Roman feast in Ptuj

Roman feast in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 1
Days of poetry and wine

Days of poetry and wine

Number of downloads: 48
Supping in the City Centre

Supping in the City Centre

Number of downloads: 109