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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “Simon Kržič, Turizem Bohinj”

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Number of downloads
#F002624 Number of downloads: 27

Hike at the full moon, Vogel above Bohinj

#F002627 Number of downloads: 67

International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj, Ornithological tour.

#F002719 Number of downloads: 160

International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj - blooming meadows

#F002722 Number of downloads: 40

Adrenaline park at the hostel Pod Voglom, Bohinj

#F013696 Number of downloads: 83

Aerial View On Bohinj Lake from the Mountain Vogel

#F002557 Number of downloads: 78

Deer tracks in snow with Lake Bohinj in the background

#F002558 Number of downloads: 72

Mountain pasture Vogar in Bohinj above the a sea of fog

#F008666 Number of downloads: 40

View of the Lower Bohinj Mountains from the Črna prst

#F002554 Number of downloads: 14

Musical Summer in Bohinj, the church of St. Martin in village of Srednja vas

#F002603 Number of downloads: 18

Traditional handicrafts - Pipe from village Gorjuše, certified From Bohinj

#F013809 Number of downloads: 81

Aerial View On Lake Bohinj and Alpine Slovenia From Ribčev Laz

#F002555 Number of downloads: 134

Bohinj lake with a tatue of mystical Zlatorog, Chamois with golden horns

#F007701 Number of downloads: 158

Trail running in Bohinj with the view of Karavanke and Kamnik Alps in the background

#F002621 Number of downloads: 9

Childrens weekend - village Ukanc in Bohinj. Fairytales are at home at the end of the world.

#F002626 Number of downloads: 16

New Years period tradition - Otepavci in Bohinj, village Stara Fužina on the day of St. Stephen

Hike at the full moon, Vogel above Bohinj

Hike at the full moon, Vogel above Bohinj

Number of downloads: 27
International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj, Ornithological tour.

International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj, Ornithological tour.

Number of downloads: 67
International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj - blooming meadows

International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj - blooming meadows

Number of downloads: 160
Adrenaline park at the hostel Pod Voglom, Bohinj

Adrenaline park at the hostel Pod Voglom, Bohinj

Number of downloads: 40
Aerial View On Bohinj Lake from the Mountain Vogel

Aerial View On Bohinj Lake from the Mountain Vogel

Number of downloads: 83
Deer tracks in snow with Lake Bohinj in the background

Deer tracks in snow with Lake Bohinj in the background

Number of downloads: 78
Mountain pasture Vogar in Bohinj above the a sea of fog

Mountain pasture Vogar in Bohinj above the a sea of fog

Number of downloads: 72
View of the Lower Bohinj Mountains from the Črna prst

View of the Lower Bohinj Mountains from the Črna prst

Number of downloads: 40
Musical Summer in Bohinj, the church of St. Martin in village of Srednja vas

Musical Summer in Bohinj, the church of St. Martin in village of Srednja vas

Number of downloads: 14
Traditional handicrafts - Pipe from village Gorjuše, certified From Bohinj

Traditional handicrafts - Pipe from village Gorjuše, certified From Bohinj

Number of downloads: 18
Aerial View On Lake Bohinj and Alpine Slovenia From Ribčev Laz

Aerial View On Lake Bohinj and Alpine Slovenia From Ribčev Laz

Number of downloads: 81
Bohinj lake with a tatue of mystical Zlatorog, Chamois with golden horns

Bohinj lake with a tatue of mystical Zlatorog, Chamois with golden horns

Number of downloads: 134
Trail running in Bohinj with the view of Karavanke and Kamnik Alps in the background

Trail running in Bohinj with the view of Karavanke and Kamnik Alps in the background

Number of downloads: 158
Childrens weekend - village Ukanc in Bohinj. Fairytales are at home at the end of the world.

Childrens weekend - village Ukanc in Bohinj. Fairytales are at home at the end of the world.

Number of downloads: 9
New Years period tradition - Otepavci in Bohinj, village Stara Fužina on the day of St. Stephen

New Years period tradition - Otepavci in Bohinj, village Stara Fužina on the day of St. Stephen

Number of downloads: 16