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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “The Savinja valley”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F003910 Number of downloads: 103

Bled in winter with Karavanke mountain ranges in the background

#F015238 Number of downloads: 41

Business meetings - Brdo, business meeting in front of the congress centre

#F015240 Number of downloads: 42

Business meetings - Coast, business meeting on the roof top terrace

#F015246 Number of downloads: 71

Business meetings - Coast, business meeting on the roof top terrace

#F015249 Number of downloads: 35

Business meetings - Coast, business meeting on the roof top terrace

#F015084 Number of downloads: 58

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Preparation of a placemat in Villa Podvin

#F015134 Number of downloads: 27

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Burja Estate Wine Cellar

#F015150 Number of downloads: 49

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Cheesemakers during cheese making

#F015165 Number of downloads: 115

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

#F015166 Number of downloads: 97

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

#F013811 Number of downloads: 129

Aerial View On Strunjan Salt Pans And The Adriatic Sea

#F013206 Number of downloads: 93

Shepherd's settlement and cows grazing on the mount Velika Planina

#F012731 Number of downloads: 17

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012732 Number of downloads: 16

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012733 Number of downloads: 4

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012734 Number of downloads: 8

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012735 Number of downloads: 10

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012736 Number of downloads: 4

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012737 Number of downloads: 6

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F010025 Number of downloads: 61

Going into the lake on private beach of Grand hotel Toplice

Bled in winter with Karavanke mountain ranges in the background

Bled in winter with Karavanke mountain ranges in the background

Number of downloads: 103
Business meetings - Brdo, business meeting in front of the congress centre

Business meetings - Brdo, business meeting in front of the congress centre

Number of downloads: 41
Business meetings - Coast, business meeting on the roof top terrace

Business meetings - Coast, business meeting on the roof top terrace

Number of downloads: 42
Business meetings - Coast, business meeting on the roof top terrace

Business meetings - Coast, business meeting on the roof top terrace

Number of downloads: 71
Business meetings - Coast, business meeting on the roof top terrace

Business meetings - Coast, business meeting on the roof top terrace

Number of downloads: 35
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Preparation of a placemat in Villa Podvin

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Preparation of a placemat in Villa Podvin

Number of downloads: 58
Photos for the product of gastronomy /Burja Estate Wine Cellar

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Burja Estate Wine Cellar

Number of downloads: 27
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Cheesemakers during cheese making

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Cheesemakers during cheese making

Number of downloads: 49
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

Number of downloads: 115
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Chef Ana Roš's plate

Number of downloads: 97
Aerial View On Strunjan Salt Pans And The Adriatic Sea

Aerial View On Strunjan Salt Pans And The Adriatic Sea

Number of downloads: 129
Shepherd's settlement and cows grazing on the mount Velika Planina

Shepherd's settlement and cows grazing on the mount Velika Planina

Number of downloads: 93
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 17
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 16
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 4
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 8
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 10
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 4
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 6
Going into the lake on private beach of Grand hotel Toplice

Going into the lake on private beach of Grand hotel Toplice

Number of downloads: 61