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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “town centre”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F013111 Number of downloads: 55

With Urban train through the centre of Ljubljana

#F000600 Number of downloads: 205

Aerial shot of Ljubljana city centre in Ljubljana Castle

#F012539 Number of downloads: 23

December in Radovljica

#F012540 Number of downloads: 33

December in Radovljica

#F012547 Number of downloads: 6

Monument of Josipina Hočevar in Radovljica

#F012432 Number of downloads: 128

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012433 Number of downloads: 73

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012434 Number of downloads: 88

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012435 Number of downloads: 42

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012438 Number of downloads: 27

Ljubljana in the winter

#F011662 Number of downloads: 37

Summer in Ljubljana - National gallery

#F008937 Number of downloads: 53

Tito square and Pretorska palace

#F013330 Number of downloads: 55

Aerial View of Ptuj and its medieval town with river Drava

#F013807 Number of downloads: 257

Aerial View On Piran Peninsula With The Old Town and Slovenian Coast

#F013114 Number of downloads: 159

Summer in Ljubljana

#F013121 Number of downloads: 142

Experiences in Ljubljana and its surroundings

#F010310 Number of downloads: 59


#F001823 Number of downloads: 662

The Triple Bridge in Ljubljana

#F015238 Number of downloads: 40

Business meetings - Brdo, business meeting in front of the congress centre

#F008603 Number of downloads: 41

Centre of Kamnik with the parish church of Marys Immaculate Conception

With Urban train through the centre of Ljubljana

With Urban train through the centre of Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 55
Aerial shot of Ljubljana city centre in Ljubljana Castle

Aerial shot of Ljubljana city centre in Ljubljana Castle

Number of downloads: 205
December in Radovljica

December in Radovljica

Number of downloads: 23
December in Radovljica

December in Radovljica

Number of downloads: 33
Monument of Josipina Hočevar in Radovljica

Monument of Josipina Hočevar in Radovljica

Number of downloads: 6
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 128
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 73
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 88
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 42
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 27
Summer in Ljubljana - National gallery

Summer in Ljubljana - National gallery

Number of downloads: 37
Tito square and Pretorska palace

Tito square and Pretorska palace

Number of downloads: 53
Aerial View of Ptuj and its medieval town with river Drava

Aerial View of Ptuj and its medieval town with river Drava

Number of downloads: 55
Aerial View On Piran Peninsula With The Old Town and Slovenian Coast

Aerial View On Piran Peninsula With The Old Town and Slovenian Coast

Number of downloads: 257
Summer in Ljubljana

Summer in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 159
Experiences in Ljubljana and its surroundings

Experiences in Ljubljana and its surroundings

Number of downloads: 142


Number of downloads: 59
The Triple Bridge in Ljubljana

The Triple Bridge in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 662
Business meetings - Brdo, business meeting in front of the congress centre

Business meetings - Brdo, business meeting in front of the congress centre

Number of downloads: 40
Centre of Kamnik with the parish church of Marys Immaculate Conception

Centre of Kamnik with the parish church of Marys Immaculate Conception

Number of downloads: 41