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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “zeleno”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F013851 Number of downloads: 13

Spring of Krupa river

#F013852 Number of downloads: 9

Spring of Krupa river

#F013853 Number of downloads: 16

Spring of Krupa river

#F013876 Number of downloads: 15

Izvir reke Krupe

#F012918 Number of downloads: 13


#F011601 Number of downloads: 27

Bees on their way to beehive

#F011072 Number of downloads: 78

Predjama castle

#F010703 Number of downloads: 102

Iconic motives Spring - daffodils in Golica hill

#F009113 Number of downloads: 70

Caught moments from Slovenian Alps

#F007776 Number of downloads: 40

Autumn in Slovenia Kozjansko region

#F008282 Number of downloads: 19

Hikers among the vineyards

#F009081 Number of downloads: 15

Morning in Lahinja Regional Park

#F002042 Number of downloads: 440

Upper Vipava valley

#F002001 Number of downloads: 90


#F002621 Number of downloads: 9

Childrens weekend - village Ukanc in Bohinj. Fairytales are at home at the end of the world.

#F015753 Number of downloads: 12

Brežice in the summer

#F015768 Number of downloads: 7

Mokrice Castle

#F013629 Number of downloads: 49

Church in Vitovlje, Vipava valley

#F013300 Number of downloads: 18

View from Prnek on Rogaška Slatina

#F013304 Number of downloads: 13

Church of Saint Mary near Rogaška Slatina

Spring of Krupa river

Spring of Krupa river

Number of downloads: 13
Spring of Krupa river

Spring of Krupa river

Number of downloads: 9
Spring of Krupa river

Spring of Krupa river

Number of downloads: 16
Izvir reke Krupe

Izvir reke Krupe

Number of downloads: 15


Number of downloads: 13
Bees on their way to beehive

Bees on their way to beehive

Number of downloads: 27
Predjama castle

Predjama castle

Number of downloads: 78
Iconic motives Spring - daffodils in Golica hill

Iconic motives Spring - daffodils in Golica hill

Number of downloads: 102
Caught moments from Slovenian Alps

Caught moments from Slovenian Alps

Number of downloads: 70
Autumn in Slovenia Kozjansko region

Autumn in Slovenia Kozjansko region

Number of downloads: 40
Hikers among the vineyards

Hikers among the vineyards

Number of downloads: 19
Morning in Lahinja Regional Park

Morning in Lahinja Regional Park

Number of downloads: 15
Upper Vipava valley

Upper Vipava valley

Number of downloads: 440


Number of downloads: 90
Childrens weekend - village Ukanc in Bohinj. Fairytales are at home at the end of the world.

Childrens weekend - village Ukanc in Bohinj. Fairytales are at home at the end of the world.

Number of downloads: 9
Brežice in the summer

Brežice in the summer

Number of downloads: 12
Mokrice Castle

Mokrice Castle

Number of downloads: 7
Church in Vitovlje, Vipava valley

Church in Vitovlje, Vipava valley

Number of downloads: 49
View from Prnek on Rogaška Slatina

View from Prnek on Rogaška Slatina

Number of downloads: 18
Church of Saint Mary near Rogaška Slatina

Church of Saint Mary near Rogaška Slatina

Number of downloads: 13