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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “Photo stories - The Story of Alps”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F012573 Number of downloads: 14

Event the Snow castles of king Matjaž

#F012580 Number of downloads: 27

Štrekna - cycling route in the Mislinja valley

#F011654 Number of downloads: 28

Summer family activities in outdoor thermal pools

#F011656 Number of downloads: 33

Summer family activities in outdoor thermal pools

#F011657 Number of downloads: 34

Summer family activities in outdoor thermal pools

#F010663 Number of downloads: 22

Kolpa river from the Sodevci cliffs

#F010664 Number of downloads: 25

Krvavec ski slopes from the distance

#F010627 Number of downloads: 56

Škocjanski zatok with Koper in the background

#F010632 Number of downloads: 330

Koper old town from the air

#F010635 Number of downloads: 55

Cargo ship anchored in the Koper bay

#F010421 Number of downloads: 8

Enigmarium Escape Room, The Salvation room

#F010326 Number of downloads: 15

Archer on the castle tower, Castle Žužemberk

#F010353 Number of downloads: 72

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

#F010354 Number of downloads: 51

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

#F010175 Number of downloads: 79

Young girl tastes honey at the beekeeper

#F010036 Number of downloads: 35

Massage in the lavender field in Terme Ptuj

#F010050 Number of downloads: 130

Thermana Laško - cycling along Savinja river

#F009962 Number of downloads: 50

Jesenice from the hill Ajdna in Karavanke

#F009891 Number of downloads: 149

Sea view from the top of Portorož

#F009244 Number of downloads: 25

Lipica in autumn, tour of the stud farm

Event the Snow castles of king Matjaž

Event the Snow castles of king Matjaž

Number of downloads: 14
Štrekna - cycling route in the Mislinja valley

Štrekna - cycling route in the Mislinja valley

Number of downloads: 27
Summer family activities in outdoor thermal pools

Summer family activities in outdoor thermal pools

Number of downloads: 28
Summer family activities in outdoor thermal pools

Summer family activities in outdoor thermal pools

Number of downloads: 33
Summer family activities in outdoor thermal pools

Summer family activities in outdoor thermal pools

Number of downloads: 34
Kolpa river from the Sodevci cliffs

Kolpa river from the Sodevci cliffs

Number of downloads: 22
Krvavec ski slopes from the distance

Krvavec ski slopes from the distance

Number of downloads: 25
Škocjanski zatok with Koper in the background

Škocjanski zatok with Koper in the background

Number of downloads: 56
Koper old town from the air

Koper old town from the air

Number of downloads: 330
Cargo ship anchored in the Koper bay

Cargo ship anchored in the Koper bay

Number of downloads: 55
Enigmarium Escape Room, The Salvation room

Enigmarium Escape Room, The Salvation room

Number of downloads: 8
Archer on the castle tower, Castle Žužemberk

Archer on the castle tower, Castle Žužemberk

Number of downloads: 15
Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 72
Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 51
Young girl tastes honey at the beekeeper

Young girl tastes honey at the beekeeper

Number of downloads: 79
Massage in the lavender field in Terme Ptuj

Massage in the lavender field in Terme Ptuj

Number of downloads: 35
Thermana Laško - cycling along Savinja river

Thermana Laško - cycling along Savinja river

Number of downloads: 130
Jesenice from the hill Ajdna in Karavanke

Jesenice from the hill Ajdna in Karavanke

Number of downloads: 50
Sea view from the top of Portorož

Sea view from the top of Portorož

Number of downloads: 149
Lipica in autumn, tour of the stud farm

Lipica in autumn, tour of the stud farm

Number of downloads: 25