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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “square”

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Number of downloads
#F008132 Number of downloads: 34

Thrub of Lent on the Main square, Maribor

#F001811 Number of downloads: 57

Drinking fountain at Kongresni trg square in Ljubljana

#F004228 Number of downloads: 62

The view of Ljubljana castle from Kongresni trg square

#F013808 Number of downloads: 84

Aerial View On Tartini Square In Piran, Mediterranean Slovenia

#F008209 Number of downloads: 198

Celje hall and Alma Karlin statue on Krek square

#F009922 Number of downloads: 327

View at Tartini Square in Piran from the town walls

#F002613 Number of downloads: 12

Square in front of the church in Kranjska Gora in winter time

#F010643 Number of downloads: 46

Čevljarska street, leading from the main square to the outskirts of the City

#F014642 Number of downloads: 45

Ljubljana, Franciscan Church of the Annunciation

#F014643 Number of downloads: 64

Ljubljana, Franciscan Church of the Annunciation

#F007803 Number of downloads: 71

Maribor in autumn

#F012546 Number of downloads: 36

Radovljica old city center

#F011586 Number of downloads: 56

Couple on a city tour of Koper

#F009275 Number of downloads: 48

Ljubljana in autumn

#F010587 Number of downloads: 35

Summer in old Ljubljana town

#F011782 Number of downloads: 16

Istrian carnival in Koper

#F011783 Number of downloads: 18

Istrian carnival in Koper

#F011784 Number of downloads: 11

Istrian carnival in Koper

#F011785 Number of downloads: 15

Istrian carnival in Koper

#F011786 Number of downloads: 18

Istrian carnival in Koper

Thrub of Lent on the Main square, Maribor

Thrub of Lent on the Main square, Maribor

Number of downloads: 34
Drinking fountain at Kongresni trg square in Ljubljana

Drinking fountain at Kongresni trg square in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 57
The view of Ljubljana castle from Kongresni trg square

The view of Ljubljana castle from Kongresni trg square

Number of downloads: 62
Aerial View On Tartini Square In Piran, Mediterranean Slovenia

Aerial View On Tartini Square In Piran, Mediterranean Slovenia

Number of downloads: 84
Celje hall and Alma Karlin statue on Krek square

Celje hall and Alma Karlin statue on Krek square

Number of downloads: 198
View at Tartini Square in Piran from the town walls

View at Tartini Square in Piran from the town walls

Number of downloads: 327
Square in front of the church in Kranjska Gora in winter time

Square in front of the church in Kranjska Gora in winter time

Number of downloads: 12
Čevljarska street, leading from the main square to the outskirts of the City

Čevljarska street, leading from the main square to the outskirts of the City

Number of downloads: 46
Ljubljana, Franciscan Church of the Annunciation

Ljubljana, Franciscan Church of the Annunciation

Number of downloads: 45
Ljubljana, Franciscan Church of the Annunciation

Ljubljana, Franciscan Church of the Annunciation

Number of downloads: 64
Maribor in autumn

Maribor in autumn

Number of downloads: 71
Radovljica old city center

Radovljica old city center

Number of downloads: 36
Couple on a city tour of Koper

Couple on a city tour of Koper

Number of downloads: 56
Ljubljana in autumn

Ljubljana in autumn

Number of downloads: 48
Summer in old Ljubljana town

Summer in old Ljubljana town

Number of downloads: 35
Istrian carnival in Koper

Istrian carnival in Koper

Number of downloads: 16
Istrian carnival in Koper

Istrian carnival in Koper

Number of downloads: 18
Istrian carnival in Koper

Istrian carnival in Koper

Number of downloads: 11
Istrian carnival in Koper

Istrian carnival in Koper

Number of downloads: 15
Istrian carnival in Koper

Istrian carnival in Koper

Number of downloads: 18