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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “old vine”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F008412 Number of downloads: 19

Picking grapes in the vineyard

#F010309 Number of downloads: 36

Vineyards above Metlika

#F012895 Number of downloads: 25

Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

#F012896 Number of downloads: 39

Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

#F001313 Number of downloads: 15

E30-Path between vineyards

#F007807 Number of downloads: 20

Autumn in Maribor

#F000176 Number of downloads: 90

Smartno, Goriska Brda

#F000337 Number of downloads: 256


#F000208 Number of downloads: 330


#F000209 Number of downloads: 66


#F013619 Number of downloads: 43

Biking in White Carniola

#F002112 Number of downloads: 61

Brda window, Goriska Brda

#F002116 Number of downloads: 61

Vipolze landscape, Goriska Brda

#F000451 Number of downloads: 113

Goriska Brda

#F013877 Number of downloads: 34

Church in Vidošiči

#F013878 Number of downloads: 24

Church in Vidošiči

#F013879 Number of downloads: 43

Church in Vidošiči

#F013841 Number of downloads: 14

Village Gorca in Ptuj region

#F001644 Number of downloads: 25

Calvary hill above Maribor

#F013930 Number of downloads: 32

View from Radenski Vrh

Picking grapes in the vineyard

Picking grapes in the vineyard

Number of downloads: 19
Vineyards above Metlika

Vineyards above Metlika

Number of downloads: 36
Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

Number of downloads: 25
Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

Number of downloads: 39
E30-Path between vineyards

E30-Path between vineyards

Number of downloads: 15
Autumn in Maribor

Autumn in Maribor

Number of downloads: 20
Smartno, Goriska Brda

Smartno, Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 90


Number of downloads: 256


Number of downloads: 330


Number of downloads: 66
Biking in White Carniola

Biking in White Carniola

Number of downloads: 43
Brda window, Goriska Brda

Brda window, Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 61
Vipolze landscape, Goriska Brda

Vipolze landscape, Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 61
Goriska Brda

Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 113
Church in Vidošiči

Church in Vidošiči

Number of downloads: 34
Church in Vidošiči

Church in Vidošiči

Number of downloads: 24
Church in Vidošiči

Church in Vidošiči

Number of downloads: 43
Village Gorca in Ptuj region

Village Gorca in Ptuj region

Number of downloads: 14
Calvary hill above Maribor

Calvary hill above Maribor

Number of downloads: 25
View from Radenski Vrh

View from Radenski Vrh

Number of downloads: 32