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Photo search results for the search string “church of Saint Anthony”

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Number of downloads
#F009093 Number of downloads: 20

Resting at Rotund Church

#F001309 Number of downloads: 5

E22-Statues by the church

#F002523 Number of downloads: 94

Plečnik church in Prekmurje

#F002432 Number of downloads: 10

Church of St. Thomas in Rateče

#F002442 Number of downloads: 3

Church of St. Michael in Dovje

#F002444 Number of downloads: 43

Church of St. Clement in Mojstrana

#F002446 Number of downloads: 14

Church of St. Spirit in Rateče

#F002449 Number of downloads: 4

Church of St. Andrew in Podkoren

#F002445 Number of downloads: 23

Brezje - Entrance to a Church

#F002452 Number of downloads: 23

Radovljica - Church Entrance

#F015760 Number of downloads: 14

Church of St. Vid above Čatež

#F014733 Number of downloads: 27

Bela krajina, church Miliči

#F013997 Number of downloads: 18

St. mountain church in Bistrica ob Sotli

#F013629 Number of downloads: 49

Church in Vitovlje, Vipava valley

#F008206 Number of downloads: 48

Church st. Jožef above Celje

#F008456 Number of downloads: 18

Hikers and church on Rogla

#F008739 Number of downloads: 47

Old church of Sveti Ožbolt

#F001219 Number of downloads: 27

E26-Church of Sacred Heart in Drežnica

#F001315 Number of downloads: 8

E30-Church and wine in Kozbana

#F001322 Number of downloads: 2

E30-Church of St Andrew in Vrhovlje by Kožbana

Resting at Rotund Church

Resting at Rotund Church

Number of downloads: 20
E22-Statues by the church

E22-Statues by the church

Number of downloads: 5
Plečnik church in Prekmurje

Plečnik church in Prekmurje

Number of downloads: 94
Church of St. Thomas in Rateče

Church of St. Thomas in Rateče

Number of downloads: 10
Church of St. Michael in Dovje

Church of St. Michael in Dovje

Number of downloads: 3
Church of St. Clement in Mojstrana

Church of St. Clement in Mojstrana

Number of downloads: 43
Church of St. Spirit in Rateče

Church of St. Spirit in Rateče

Number of downloads: 14
Church of St. Andrew in Podkoren

Church of St. Andrew in Podkoren

Number of downloads: 4
Brezje - Entrance to a Church

Brezje - Entrance to a Church

Number of downloads: 23
Radovljica - Church Entrance

Radovljica - Church Entrance

Number of downloads: 23
Church of St. Vid above Čatež

Church of St. Vid above Čatež

Number of downloads: 14
Bela krajina, church Miliči

Bela krajina, church Miliči

Number of downloads: 27
St. mountain church in Bistrica ob Sotli

St. mountain church in Bistrica ob Sotli

Number of downloads: 18
Church in Vitovlje, Vipava valley

Church in Vitovlje, Vipava valley

Number of downloads: 49
Church st. Jožef above Celje

Church st. Jožef above Celje

Number of downloads: 48
Hikers and church on Rogla

Hikers and church on Rogla

Number of downloads: 18
Old church of Sveti Ožbolt

Old church of Sveti Ožbolt

Number of downloads: 47
E26-Church of Sacred Heart in Drežnica

E26-Church of Sacred Heart in Drežnica

Number of downloads: 27
E30-Church and wine in Kozbana

E30-Church and wine in Kozbana

Number of downloads: 8
E30-Church of St Andrew in Vrhovlje by Kožbana

E30-Church of St Andrew in Vrhovlje by Kožbana

Number of downloads: 2