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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “winter sport”

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Number of downloads
#F015627 Number of downloads: 5

Ptuj winter fairytale

#F015628 Number of downloads: 5

Ptuj winter fairytale

#F015658 Number of downloads: 11

Winter on Pohorje Hills

#F015662 Number of downloads: 5

Winter view at Maribor

#F013194 Number of downloads: 31

Winter view at Ljubelj

#F013195 Number of downloads: 33

Family hiking in winter

#F013196 Number of downloads: 17

Winter idyl at Ljubelj

#F013198 Number of downloads: 53

Winter sledding at Ljubelj

#F013201 Number of downloads: 16

Winter idyl at Ljubelj

#F013204 Number of downloads: 16

Winter idyl at Ljubelj

#F012613 Number of downloads: 20

Bohinj lake in winter

#F012419 Number of downloads: 52

Bled in the winter

#F012420 Number of downloads: 76

Bled in the winter

#F012422 Number of downloads: 38

Jasna lake in winter

#F012432 Number of downloads: 130

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012433 Number of downloads: 76

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012434 Number of downloads: 90

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012435 Number of downloads: 43

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012436 Number of downloads: 45

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012437 Number of downloads: 52

Ljubljana in the winter

Ptuj winter fairytale

Ptuj winter fairytale

Number of downloads: 5
Ptuj winter fairytale

Ptuj winter fairytale

Number of downloads: 5
Winter on Pohorje Hills

Winter on Pohorje Hills

Number of downloads: 11
Winter view at Maribor

Winter view at Maribor

Number of downloads: 5
Winter view at Ljubelj

Winter view at Ljubelj

Number of downloads: 31
Family hiking in winter

Family hiking in winter

Number of downloads: 33
Winter idyl at Ljubelj

Winter idyl at Ljubelj

Number of downloads: 17
Winter sledding at Ljubelj

Winter sledding at Ljubelj

Number of downloads: 53
Winter idyl at Ljubelj

Winter idyl at Ljubelj

Number of downloads: 16
360 image Winter idyl at Ljubelj

Winter idyl at Ljubelj

Number of downloads: 16
Bohinj lake in winter

Bohinj lake in winter

Number of downloads: 20
Bled in the winter

Bled in the winter

Number of downloads: 52
Bled in the winter

Bled in the winter

Number of downloads: 76
Jasna lake in winter

Jasna lake in winter

Number of downloads: 38
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 130
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 76
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 90
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 43
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 45
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 52