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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “arcitecture”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F010336 Number of downloads: 88

Ljubljana Opera House

#F010339 Number of downloads: 59

Regional Museum Maribor

#F010350 Number of downloads: 184

Jože Plečnik, Shoemaker's Bridge, Ljubljana

#F010355 Number of downloads: 57

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

#F000840 Number of downloads: 20

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F010343 Number of downloads: 39

National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana

#F000858 Number of downloads: 142

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F001288 Number of downloads: 33

E23-Hamlet in Trenta

#F010353 Number of downloads: 72

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

#F008948 Number of downloads: 26

Nova Gorica

#F000838 Number of downloads: 46

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F000857 Number of downloads: 97

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F010363 Number of downloads: 120

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

#F005016 Number of downloads: 8


#F010357 Number of downloads: 154

Jože Plečnik, National and University Library, Ljubljana

#F010366 Number of downloads: 207

Jože Plečnik, Marketplace, Butcher's bridge, Ljubljana

#F000859 Number of downloads: 59

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

#F010347 Number of downloads: 73

Benečanka, Piran

#F001277 Number of downloads: 72

E23-Traditional Trenta valley fence

#F001289 Number of downloads: 19

E23-Tozbar homestead and Church of the Virgin Mary of Loreto

Ljubljana Opera House

Ljubljana Opera House

Number of downloads: 88
Regional Museum Maribor

Regional Museum Maribor

Number of downloads: 59
Jože Plečnik, Shoemaker's Bridge, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Shoemaker's Bridge, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 184
Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 57
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 20
National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana

National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 39
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 142
E23-Hamlet in Trenta

E23-Hamlet in Trenta

Number of downloads: 33
Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 72
Nova Gorica

Nova Gorica

Number of downloads: 26
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 46
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 97
Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 120


Number of downloads: 8
Jože Plečnik, National and University Library, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, National and University Library, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 154
Jože Plečnik, Marketplace, Butcher's bridge, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Marketplace, Butcher's bridge, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 207
Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Glamping Gozdne Vile 5*, Sava Hoteli Bled

Number of downloads: 59
Benečanka, Piran

Benečanka, Piran

Number of downloads: 73
E23-Traditional Trenta valley fence

E23-Traditional Trenta valley fence

Number of downloads: 72
E23-Tozbar homestead and Church of the Virgin Mary of Loreto

E23-Tozbar homestead and Church of the Virgin Mary of Loreto

Number of downloads: 19