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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “lake path”

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Number of downloads
#F004347 Number of downloads: 22

Educational path of Triglavska Bistrivca in Vrata valley

#F004349 Number of downloads: 30

Educational path around Goreljek peat bog

#F013913 Number of downloads: 54

Summer in Maribor, view from path to Piramida to Maribor

#F001627 Number of downloads: 24

Along Rake - "The path ofIdrija s natural scientists"

#F012731 Number of downloads: 17

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012732 Number of downloads: 16

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012733 Number of downloads: 4

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012734 Number of downloads: 8

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012735 Number of downloads: 10

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012736 Number of downloads: 4

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F012737 Number of downloads: 6

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

#F008506 Number of downloads: 57

Tominšek path - very demanding mountain trail from Vrat to Triglavv

#F002610 Number of downloads: 128

Natural reserve Zelenci

#F002539 Number of downloads: 330

Seven Triglav lakes - Double lake

#F013576 Number of downloads: 257

Juliana trail, Bled

#F013173 Number of downloads: 60

Heart shaped lake at the Lovrenška lakes, Rogla

#F013685 Number of downloads: 24

Rower in a boat at Lake Bled with Lake Castle In Background

#F004354 Number of downloads: 469

Veliko jezero - Lake in the valley of the Triglav lakes

#F013564 Number of downloads: 28

Juliana trail, Pokljuka

#F013565 Number of downloads: 20

Juliana trail, Pokljuka

Educational path of Triglavska Bistrivca in Vrata valley

Educational path of Triglavska Bistrivca in Vrata valley

Number of downloads: 22
Educational path around Goreljek peat bog

Educational path around Goreljek peat bog

Number of downloads: 30
Summer in Maribor, view from path to Piramida to Maribor

Summer in Maribor, view from path to Piramida to Maribor

Number of downloads: 54
Along Rake - "The path ofIdrija s natural scientists"

Along Rake - "The path ofIdrija s natural scientists"

Number of downloads: 24
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 17
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 16
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 4
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 8
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 10
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 4
Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Walk along the circular path Park of military history Pivka

Number of downloads: 6
Tominšek path - very demanding mountain trail from Vrat to Triglavv

Tominšek path - very demanding mountain trail from Vrat to Triglavv

Number of downloads: 57
Natural reserve Zelenci

Natural reserve Zelenci

Number of downloads: 128
Seven Triglav lakes - Double lake

Seven Triglav lakes - Double lake

Number of downloads: 330
Juliana trail, Bled

Juliana trail, Bled

Number of downloads: 257
Heart shaped lake at the Lovrenška lakes, Rogla

Heart shaped lake at the Lovrenška lakes, Rogla

Number of downloads: 60
Rower in a boat at Lake Bled with Lake Castle In Background

Rower in a boat at Lake Bled with Lake Castle In Background

Number of downloads: 24
Veliko jezero - Lake in the valley of the Triglav lakes

Veliko jezero - Lake in the valley of the Triglav lakes

Number of downloads: 469
Juliana trail, Pokljuka

Juliana trail, Pokljuka

Number of downloads: 28
Juliana trail, Pokljuka

Juliana trail, Pokljuka

Number of downloads: 20