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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “capital city”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F000608 Number of downloads: 372

Triple bridge and Prešeren Square

#F014212 Number of downloads: 97

Walking through old City Centre

#F013119 Number of downloads: 171

View point looking at Ljubljana city

#F008177 Number of downloads: 41

Thrub in city centre, Novo mesto

#F008216 Number of downloads: 78

Tree house in city forest, Celje

#F001712 Number of downloads: 20

With a bike through the city

#F000073 Number of downloads: 233

Piran, view from City wall

#F000152 Number of downloads: 390

Green adventures of Ljubljana

#F000617 Number of downloads: 290

The day after - Ljubljana

#F015798 Number of downloads: 27

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015799 Number of downloads: 7

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015800 Number of downloads: 11

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015801 Number of downloads: 30

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015802 Number of downloads: 25

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015803 Number of downloads: 51

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F012432 Number of downloads: 128

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012433 Number of downloads: 73

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012434 Number of downloads: 88

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012435 Number of downloads: 42

Ljubljana in the winter

#F012438 Number of downloads: 27

Ljubljana in the winter

Triple bridge and Prešeren Square

Triple bridge and Prešeren Square

Number of downloads: 372
Walking through old City Centre

Walking through old City Centre

Number of downloads: 97
View point looking at Ljubljana city

View point looking at Ljubljana city

Number of downloads: 171
Thrub in city centre, Novo mesto

Thrub in city centre, Novo mesto

Number of downloads: 41
Tree house in city forest, Celje

Tree house in city forest, Celje

Number of downloads: 78
With a bike through the city

With a bike through the city

Number of downloads: 20
Piran, view from City wall

Piran, view from City wall

Number of downloads: 233
Green adventures of Ljubljana

Green adventures of Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 390
The day after - Ljubljana

The day after - Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 290
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 27
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 7
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 11
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 30
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 25
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 51
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 128
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 73
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 88
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 42
Ljubljana in the winter

Ljubljana in the winter

Number of downloads: 27