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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “city center”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F013136 Number of downloads: 243

Summer in Ljubljana

#F010352 Number of downloads: 128

Plečnik house, Ljubljana

#F010354 Number of downloads: 51

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

#F014692 Number of downloads: 53

Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Brnik airport

#F010369 Number of downloads: 40

Jože Plečnik, Žale Cemetery, Ljubljana

#F010361 Number of downloads: 288

Jože Plečnik, Tivoli park, Ljubljana

#F013145 Number of downloads: 69

Bikers at bike park Maribor

#F010362 Number of downloads: 129

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

#F009210 Number of downloads: 123

Ljubljana in festive December

#F005030 Number of downloads: 57


#F010341 Number of downloads: 133

Modern Gallery, Ljubljana

#F010344 Number of downloads: 52

National Museum of Slovenia

#F009863 Number of downloads: 545

Ljubljana Triple Bridge

#F010350 Number of downloads: 184

Jože Plečnik, Shoemaker's Bridge, Ljubljana

#F010355 Number of downloads: 57

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

#F010353 Number of downloads: 72

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

#F010364 Number of downloads: 64

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Summer in Ljubljana

Summer in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 243
Plečnik house, Ljubljana

Plečnik house, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 128
Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 51
Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Brnik airport

Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Brnik airport

Number of downloads: 53
Jože Plečnik, Žale Cemetery, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Žale Cemetery, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 40
Jože Plečnik, Tivoli park, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Tivoli park, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 288
Bikers at bike park Maribor

Bikers at bike park Maribor

Number of downloads: 69
Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 129
Ljubljana in festive December

Ljubljana in festive December

Number of downloads: 123


Number of downloads: 57
Modern Gallery, Ljubljana

Modern Gallery, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 133
National Museum of Slovenia

National Museum of Slovenia

Number of downloads: 52
Ljubljana Triple Bridge

Ljubljana Triple Bridge

Number of downloads: 545
Jože Plečnik, Shoemaker's Bridge, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Shoemaker's Bridge, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 184
Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 57
Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 72
Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 64