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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “city center”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F010370 Number of downloads: 77

Jože Plečnik, Žale Cemetery, Ljubljana

#F009205 Number of downloads: 79

Ljubljana in festive December

#F007805 Number of downloads: 26

Vinag wine cellar Maribor

#F001815 Number of downloads: 92

National and University Library of Slovenia

#F010363 Number of downloads: 119

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

#F013603 Number of downloads: 23

Polhov Gradec Castle

#F009206 Number of downloads: 184

Ljubljana in festive December

#F009208 Number of downloads: 96

Ljubljana in festive December

#F010540 Number of downloads: 42

Ana Desetnica

#F010366 Number of downloads: 203

Jože Plečnik, Marketplace, Butcher's bridge, Ljubljana

#F010552 Number of downloads: 82

Film Under the Stars

#F010553 Number of downloads: 27

Film Under the Stars

#F010307 Number of downloads: 43

Metlika old town

#F010356 Number of downloads: 141

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

#F010359 Number of downloads: 65

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Ljubljana

#F010371 Number of downloads: 76

Jože Plečnik, Žale Cemetery, Ljubljana

#F008331 Number of downloads: 39

At JB restaurant

#F013112 Number of downloads: 28

Summer in Zvezda park on Congress square

#F013115 Number of downloads: 211

With sup on Ljubljanica river

#F013135 Number of downloads: 216

Summer in Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Žale Cemetery, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Žale Cemetery, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 77
Ljubljana in festive December

Ljubljana in festive December

Number of downloads: 79
Vinag wine cellar Maribor

Vinag wine cellar Maribor

Number of downloads: 26
National and University Library of Slovenia

National and University Library of Slovenia

Number of downloads: 92
Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Central Market, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 119
Polhov Gradec Castle

Polhov Gradec Castle

Number of downloads: 23
Ljubljana in festive December

Ljubljana in festive December

Number of downloads: 184
Ljubljana in festive December

Ljubljana in festive December

Number of downloads: 96
Ana Desetnica

Ana Desetnica

Number of downloads: 42
Jože Plečnik, Marketplace, Butcher's bridge, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Marketplace, Butcher's bridge, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 203
Film Under the Stars

Film Under the Stars

Number of downloads: 82
Film Under the Stars

Film Under the Stars

Number of downloads: 27
Metlika old town

Metlika old town

Number of downloads: 43
Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Michael, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 141
Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 65
Jože Plečnik, Žale Cemetery, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Žale Cemetery, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 76
At JB restaurant

At JB restaurant

Number of downloads: 39
Summer in Zvezda park on Congress square

Summer in Zvezda park on Congress square

Number of downloads: 28
With sup on Ljubljanica river

With sup on Ljubljanica river

Number of downloads: 211
Summer in Ljubljana

Summer in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 216