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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “alpe adria trail”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F001352 Number of downloads: 40

E31-House Marica in Smartno village

#F001358 Number of downloads: 62

E31-Grapes and sun

#F001379 Number of downloads: 118

E35-Lipizzaner horses

#F001384 Number of downloads: 8

E31-Military tower in Plešivo village

#F001211 Number of downloads: 56

E26-Soča valley

#F001243 Number of downloads: 29

E23-View platform under Vrsic pass

#F001275 Number of downloads: 114

E24-Small gorges of Soca

#F001335 Number of downloads: 61

E27-Footbridge in Tolmin gorges

#F001209 Number of downloads: 21

E30-Path through olive grove

#F001227 Number of downloads: 7

E26-Medieval frescos in the Church of Saint Just in Kosec

#F001317 Number of downloads: 102

E36-Prosciutto drying facility Pršutarna Lokev

#F001377 Number of downloads: 93

E36-Velbanca stable from the year 1703 in Lipica studfarm

#F001193 Number of downloads: 81


#F001244 Number of downloads: 21

E23-At the Vršič pass

#F001251 Number of downloads: 45

E23-Panoramic path at Vršič pass

#F001260 Number of downloads: 75

E23-Goldhorn statue on the bank of Jasna lake

#F001310 Number of downloads: 58

E22-Kranjska Gora - Square in front of the church

#F001312 Number of downloads: 11

E30-Stone bridge by vinery Čarga

#F001343 Number of downloads: 35

E22-On the way to Kranjska Gora

#F001299 Number of downloads: 10

E22-Traditional Ratece shoes "žoki" and cokle

E31-House Marica in Smartno village

E31-House Marica in Smartno village

Number of downloads: 40
E31-Grapes and sun

E31-Grapes and sun

Number of downloads: 62
E35-Lipizzaner horses

E35-Lipizzaner horses

Number of downloads: 118
E31-Military tower in Plešivo village

E31-Military tower in Plešivo village

Number of downloads: 8
E26-Soča valley

E26-Soča valley

Number of downloads: 56
E23-View platform under Vrsic pass

E23-View platform under Vrsic pass

Number of downloads: 29
E24-Small gorges of Soca

E24-Small gorges of Soca

Number of downloads: 114
E27-Footbridge in Tolmin gorges

E27-Footbridge in Tolmin gorges

Number of downloads: 61
E30-Path through olive grove

E30-Path through olive grove

Number of downloads: 21
E26-Medieval frescos in the Church of Saint Just in Kosec

E26-Medieval frescos in the Church of Saint Just in Kosec

Number of downloads: 7
E36-Prosciutto drying facility Pršutarna Lokev

E36-Prosciutto drying facility Pršutarna Lokev

Number of downloads: 102
E36-Velbanca stable from the year 1703 in Lipica studfarm

E36-Velbanca stable from the year 1703 in Lipica studfarm

Number of downloads: 93


Number of downloads: 81
E23-At the Vršič pass

E23-At the Vršič pass

Number of downloads: 21
E23-Panoramic path at Vršič pass

E23-Panoramic path at Vršič pass

Number of downloads: 45
E23-Goldhorn statue on the bank of Jasna lake

E23-Goldhorn statue on the bank of Jasna lake

Number of downloads: 75
E22-Kranjska Gora - Square in front of the church

E22-Kranjska Gora - Square in front of the church

Number of downloads: 58
E30-Stone bridge by vinery Čarga

E30-Stone bridge by vinery Čarga

Number of downloads: 11
E22-On the way to Kranjska Gora

E22-On the way to Kranjska Gora

Number of downloads: 35
E22-Traditional Ratece shoes "žoki" and cokle

E22-Traditional Ratece shoes "žoki" and cokle

Number of downloads: 10