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Stories from Slovenia

Webinar for German market

12. 05. 2020 at 10:00
Tourism agencies & Tour Operators
Lecturers: Ms Rebeka Kumer Bizjak (Slovenian Tourist Board), Mr Iztok Altbauer (Slovenian Spa Association), Mr Klemen Langus (Julian Alps)

Webinar for German market

Webinar for German market was held on 12th May and we tried to transmit to you the love of our country and inspire you.

We introduced the diverse offer of Slovenian Spa and Health Resorts and Slovenian outdoor offer. 

Speakers were: Ms Rebeka Kumer Bizjak (Slovenian Representative Office in Munich), Mr Iztok Albauer (Slovenian Spa Association) and Mr Klemen Langus (Julian Alps).

Useful links: 

Identification of market potential - Germany

Slovenian tourism in numbers

In case you missed it or want to hear it again, we invite you to listen to the recording:

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